Bad Apple!!

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After a week or so of silence from "Otacon", he finally contacted Max with good news. The Brotherhood plans on backing Max's endeavor against Prime_Eight if she takes down the Templars backing it. The FBI agreed to arrest the individuals in P8 not associated with the Templars once the entire operation was over. Before the op could be set in motion, DedSec needed someone to gain Lenni's trust.

"Max, you should be the one!" said Wrench, making Max give him a nervous look.

"Me? Why me!" she whined.

"Lenni doesn't know who you are yet, but I'm a little against the idea too." said Josh with Sitara nodding as well.

"Come on, Max." said Marcus, nudging her arm. "You're the only other person in our group she doesn't know yet. You're the perfect bait."

"O-okay, okay, I'll do it! But if she starts getting all touchy-feely with me, I'm slapping her."

"But there's still another problem." said Sitara, letting out a loud ahem. "What about Pete? He'd know it's her."

"I have an idea for that." said Max with an apprehensive look on her face.

First order of business was making Max look different. She suggested the idea of wearing a wig, something she wore occasionally. She had on a light pink wig, band t-shirt, mustard yellow flannel, baggy black pants, combat boots and plenty of chains to fit Lenni's punk style. The thought of Max having to get close to Lenni made her gag. She hated her way too much to genuinely have a connection.

"Listen, I like girls, don't get me wrong, but Lenni just isn't my type, so don't get mad at me for not flirting right." she stated as Sitara put the finishing touches on her makeup.

"Okay, so what's your type then?" asked Marcus.

"Probably anyone but her. I'm not very picky. You know, I think it's stupid as hell that she's out of prison already."

"She bribed some higher ups into letting her go." informed Josh, who was focusing on uploading a program to Max's phone.

"Of course she did." she said with a grumble as Sitara handed her the mirror. "W-wow, this makeup is really good." Max gave her a hug before standing up and grabbing her satchel. Josh got up as well to see her out, handing her the phone.

"I implemented a new program onto your phone using Pete's code. It should help you with hacking into Prime_Eight's data."

"Thanks!" she told him happily, petting his head. He smiled slightly, but then frowned. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing." She sighed slightly and placed a hand on his cheek.

"Come on, I can tell something's up. And as your girlfriend, I need to know what's up."

"I'm afraid of you being around Lenni."

"Really? Why's that?"

"I don't like the idea of you two flirting."

"You're jealous?"

"A little bit." Max giggled and pinched his cheek before hugging him.

"You have nothing to worry about. I'm not leaving you any time soon!"

"You promise?"

"Of course." 

Max gave him a kiss on the corner of his mouth, making his blush and smile slightly. She waved goodbye to him and exited the base. When Josh looked down the stairs, he saw the others looking at him with shocked expression.



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