She Was Scared Of Storms

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"Whoa, wait, kidnap her i-in broad daylight?" said Josh, and air of nervousness in his voice on the comms as Wrench and Marcus made their way downtown to the CTOS server building.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" said Wrench. He wasn't oblivious to how kidnapping her in the middle of the day wouldn't work, but hey, he was here for a good time, not a long time. If he was gonna get sent to prison because someone called the cops on them, he might as well drive really fast and go out with a bang.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." commented Marcus, drifting around a corner and nearly missing another car.

"Just don't get caught." chuckled Sitara. "Josh and I will meet you up at the bay." All of them disconnected from the comms. Wrench turned on his favorite rock station as they cruised downtown like teenage drivers. Wrench's mask made "!  !" eyes as he grabbed Marcus's sleeve.

"Whoa, right here, right here!" he yelled, the car skidding to a halt right in front of Max, who was wearing a black hood and grey leggings. Wrench stuck his head out the window. "Get in, loser, we're kidnapping you." Max tilted her head with a semi-confused look at she got in, Marcus speeding off once more.

Wrench looked back at her as she took off her mask, letting out a quiet sigh. "Welcome to DedSec!" he said, giving her jazz hands and a "^  ^" expression. "There's no real formality when it comes to us. I'm Wrench, by the way. You'll always know it's me by the beautiful mask." He proceeded to show off his spiked mask like he was trying to be a model, making exaggerated poses to the best of his ability. Max placed a hand over her mouth to show she was laughing, but of course, there wasn't anything audible. "Cool, so you really don't speak. Anyways, Marcus where are we going?"

"Uh, I don't know. Sitara didn't specify where she was meeting us."

"Well, I'm kinda hungry. Let's eat some burgers and get shitfaced!" Wrench threw his fists into the air, letting out a loud "Whooooo!" as Marcus sped towards the bay, the loud punk music setting the mood for a fun night.


Marcus let out a loud sigh as he threw down his third beer, receiving a pat on the back from Wrench and a giggle from Sitara. All of them were so drunk that they swayed in their chairs uneasily, which made Josh sit them up straight to prevent them from falling. Max watched with a smile on her face as she took a sip of her soda. After a while, Josh finally decided to talk to her.

"I'm Josh." he said suddenly, catching her attention. "I know your name." There was a pause as he thought of something to say. "So you don't drink?" She shook her head. "Why not? Most people our age do." She rubbed her cheek nervously before taking out her phone.

Personal reasons. She typed, the smile turning into an anxious look.

"Like what?" Josh was unaware of how uncomfortable he was making her feel, and for a moment, Max considered saying something purely because she felt pressured to give him an answer. Or maybe she just cared for a second.

Josh's inquiry was stopped by Sitara, who placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hun, you're making her uncomfortable." She mumbled.

"I am?" He looked at Max, who shrunk back at his surprise. "Why didn't you tell me?" Max rubbed the back of her neck before showing her phone.

I'm a little nervous, I'm sorry. She typed to him, hesitantly placing her hand in his shoulder as an apology. He almost immediately shrugged her hand off, looking to his companions, who were angrily ranting about how fashionable crocs were.

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