The club was never a place I minded, since it gave me a chance to let lose and lay all my problems on the dance floor or drown them in some liquor. But I really wasn't feeling it tonight.

"Okay what do you want to do?" She finally asked, causing me to perk up at this.

"Leave" I answered quickly, but she simple shook her head. I would've ditched a long time ago, but her friend was my ride.

"No! " She groaned loudly. "You need to find a guy" She clicked her tongue at the roof of her mouth as she scanned the crowd.

I watched her carefully as she analyzed each man before shrugging or shaking her head. I didn't even know why she bothered. It wasn't as if I would actually hook up with a stranger.

One learns from their mistakes.

"Ou ou how about him? "She asked eagerly as she discreetly pointed at a guy sitting on the other side of the club.

He was incredibly handsome, but he didn't look like the type of guy I would've CONSIDERED dating.

"Nope" I simple said as I spun on the stool, turning my back to the direction he was in.

"Come on Aella he's totally checking you out. Cant you just live for once" She whined.

"I'll live when I want to"

She was silent for a while, so I assumed she had dropped it. But then I heard a loud squeal from beside me.

"Well you're about to live it up because he's coming this way"

"What?! "I snapped as I whipped my head around. Indeed, he was approaching us.

"You called him over" I accused with narrowed eyes.

She did a little fake gasp which I saw through completely. "I did not!" she bellowed over the loud music.

"Yes you did"

"I didn't! "

"You did! "

"Goodnight ladies" A strange voice said from behind me. I slowly turned around and was met with deep brown eyes that held nothing but happiness and life in them. Totally opposite from my own life.

Tatiana in that moment took off, leaving me and the stranger alone. I made a mental note to murder her later, but for now I had to let this guy down gently.

"I'm not interested" I said without a hint of remorse in my voice, and I noticed that I completely shocked the guy.


"Whoa there I'm not trying to sell you anything" He laughed nervously as he held his hands up in mock surrender. "Just trying to introduce myself. I'm Mason. And you are?.. "

I eyed him carefully, but decided against telling him my name. "I don't tell my name to strangers"

"If you tell me then we wont be much of strangers anymore " He urged.

"But I don't know you "

"But you can"

"You don't give up don't you? "

"Nope" He smirked, and surprisingly I had to try real hard not to let my lips curve.

But in that moment, my eyes landed on something quite unusual but very familiar. A man was speaking to a young girl, and she looked barely awake. I watched as he whispered something in her ear and she nodded lazily, no doubt not even knowing what he was saying.

"You have an accent. Where are you from?" Mason suddenly asked, pulling me from the scene for a quick second.

"I was born in Holland. I moved here when I was sixteen" I rushed out, my eyes still on the man who was now picking up the girl on wobbly feet.

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