"Mars, I think he's having a panic attack." Allison practically yelled which made Curt breath even faster.

"No, no, nonono, stop, please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, no, no, no, stop, stop-" Curt was violently shaking. Owen reached out to comfort him but Allison stopped him.

"Touching him could panic him more." She explained hurriedly. "Mars, we should pull over." Mars nodded quickly and pulled over onto the side of the road and stopped the car.

"Okay, um, unbuckle him to give him more room." Mars instructed as calmly as they could. Owen did as they asked.

"Curt, can you hear me? It's me, Mars. Can you hear me?"

"No... I mean yes? I mean-"

"Curt, I believe you are having a panic attack. I need you to take deep breathes and slow your breathing down. Okay? I need you to take deep breaths." Mars took a loud deep breath as though to demonstrate. Curt paused for a second before imitating the deep breathe.

"Okay, now can you describe your surroundings? What are five things that you can see?"

"Uhm, the uh, the steering wheel, the uh, the seats, no no don't hit me please Dad-" Curt whimpered and curled into the fetal position before starting to hyperventilate again.

"Okay, I think he's having a PTSD flashback." Mars took a deep breath. "Curt. You are no longer with your father. You are here with me, Alli, and Owen. You are safe. Can you take deep breathes? You're safe, please take deep breathes. Can you breathe with me?" Mars took a deep breathe again, and waited for Curt to follow suit.

Soon Mars was leading Curt in deep breathes, while Allison repeatedly told him where he was and that he was safe. Soon Curt was breathing normally again.

He cleared his throat awkwardly. "I'm very sorry. I do not  know what happened. I am okay though, I'm perfectly healthy."

"Curt, you just had a PTSD flashback. PTSD stands for post traumatic stress disorder, which basically means you relive traumatic experiences after they pass. I'm not going to ask you about your trauma but it's not good to just keep it all to yourself either." Mars pursed their lips as though the thought made them uneasy.

"How do you know how to deal with it?" Owen asked curiously.

"Mars is a therapist! Ah, therapists are people are like doctors for your brain, but not actually your brain, like for the weird chemical imbalances and stuff! I, er, don't know exactly how to explain it." Allison finished with a laugh.

"Er, can I touch him now?" Owen asked a little awkwardly.

"I mean as long as that's okay with him." Mars said.

Owen turned his attention to Curt, where a raised eyebrow asked Curt the same question. Curt nodded curtly and let himself be enveloped in his lover's arms.


(End of triggering topics)

"I love you, love." Owen murmured. Curt nodded. "I love you too." Their noses bumped and then they were kissing. It was short and sweet, and it was enough to calm Curt all the way down.

Both Mars and Alli saw, but they knew it wasn't their place to bring it up. So Mars turned the car back on and they were on the road again.


"Are we there yet?"

"Three more hours, Curt."

"... Shit."


Curt was drumming his legs and staring out the window. He was bored again. Very bored. He hated being bored.

"Can we... Can we try the music again?" He asked timidly.

Allison nodded. "Yeah, I'll just make sure to not play anything that could be temporarily triggering."

"Ooooh can we listen to girl in red?" Mars asked excitedly. Allison smiled wide and nodded.

"What's girl in red?" Curt asked.

"She's a gay singer! She sings love songs about girls and it's very therapeutic!" Allison explained excitedly.

Owen squinted. "So when you said we were probably the male version of listening to girl in red..."

Allison blushed, embarrassed. "You caught me."

Owen snorted. "More like you caught us."

"Well it wasn't very hard! You're very affectionate with each other. Which doesn't mean your gay! It's just, uhm, it's gay." Allison laughed.

Curt and Owen blushed before laughing with her. It felt good to laugh about it instead of being scared about it.


"Are we there yet?"

"Actually, yeah, we're almost there."



They pulled up to a large country house, where their were horses and pigs and chickens.

"Here we are! Let's hope we don't give бабуля a heart attack by dropping in uninvited."

"Please, if anything we'll give Grammy a heart attack."

Mars and Allison laughed.

Mars stopped the car and pulled out the keys. "Are you guys ready?" They asked before unbuckling themselves and opening the driver's side door. Allison followed suit. Both of them looked back to check on the spies.

"C'mon, let's get you home."


Part three done woo

бабуля is russian for grandma I think

Ok bye see you in like a month ahaha

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