Hey Pt. 2

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Curt wondered how he found himself at the gate to the cemetery where Owen was again. It had been four years, and he resolved that he wouldn't visit again, because he knew Owen wouldn't want to see him. But Curt had found himself in the area, and then he had found himself closer, and then... He was just there.

He hesitantly reached out and pushed open the gate, which squeaked loudly. He walked down the familiar path, but his eyes were glued on his destination, a barren grave surrounded by ones decorated by colorful flowers.

Curt suddenly felt embarrassed for not bringing flowers, but then he remembered he wasn't even going to be here at all, so how could he have brought flowers?

Soon enough, the path brought him to Owen's grave. Curt paused for a second, debating leaving before he sat down.

"Hey Owen." Curt started, his voice weak. "It's been a while... I know you probably don't want to see me again, but I'm just to selfish to stay away! I'm really sorry. I just... Wanted to pretend like I could talk to you again."

His speech was interrupted by the creaking of the gate. Curt looked up to see to women entering the cemetery. Since they were probably here for one of the colorful graves, he didn't pay them much attention.

"Anyway, I just got back into the buisnes-" Curt was interrupted again by a sudden question.

"Excuse me, sir, why are you sitting in front of my brother's grave?" Curt's head shot up to see one of the ladies that had entered the cemetery, with black hair and brown eyes, just like his lost love. He quickly sat up.

"Ah, sorry, he was my coworker... And my best friend." He glanced downward, hoping that Owen's sister Annie wouldn't pry. He had never met Annie, and he wasn't sure if Annie had ever heard of him. But he was surprised when his statement got him a hug in return.

"You're Curt, aren't you? I know about you and him." She blurted. "He wrote to me all the time, and you were usually mentioned. He really loved you." Curt blinked in surprise before quietly beginning to sob. Annie was quick to follow.

They stood there, sobbing over the same person, missing the same person, loving the same person.

After a few solid minutes of sobbing, they collected themselves enough to sit in front of Owen's grave and talk about him.

"He used to eat the entire apple, core and all. It use to drive me insane, but I'd give anything to watch him do it one last time." Curt laughed slightly at the memory while relaying it to Annie. She laughed, too.

"And how he absolutely refused to eat bananas? I'd always say they wouldn't kill him, but he never did eat one." Annie responded. Curt didn't laugh.

"I miss him." He said suddenly.

"I do, too." Annie quietly replied. "Why don't we miss him together?" She offered, before sticking out her hand. "Friends?"

A moment passed before Curt shook her hand. "Friends." he replied smiling. It had been a while since he had one of those.

The other lady approached them after a while and sat down with them. "This is my girlfriend, Stephanie." Annie introduced Stephanie, who shook Curt's hand.

"Nice too meet you." She said. "Me and Annie were going to go for a bite to eat after we visited Owen. Would you like to join?"

Curt smiled. "I would love too."


Owen was playing crazy eights with his ghost friend Draco, who had died in a duel, when Curt walked into the cemetery.

"Oh my god, Draco, that's him!" Owen shouted, dropping his cards in surprise. Draco looked up from her hand.

"What, you mean your best friend/boyfriend?" Draco asked, setting down her cards excitedly.

"Yes! It's been so long since he lasted visited, I was worried I was never going to see him again." Owen smiled brightly, and waited for Curt to sit down in front of Owen's grave.

He listened to Curt, and interjected with "I wanted to see you!" And "you're not selfish!" But the one Owen wished Curt could hear the most was "But I am listening, Curt."

Owen sighed, happy that Curt was here even if he couldn't hear Owen. But his happiness skyrocketed when he saw his sister enter the cemetery.

"Oh my god! She found me! That's my sister, Annie, and that's probably her girlfriend." Owen pointed at the two ladies who had come through the gate. He watched them with barely restrained excitement as they approached his grave.

Owen watched the two people he loved the most hug and cry. He stood up and tried to join the hug, even if he knew he couldn't. He sobbed with them, even if they didn't know. He watched them bond over him, and smiled when they agreed to be friends.

When Annie introduced Stephanie as her girlfriend, Owen turned to Draco. "Called it!"

He watched them leave the cemetery, and waved goodbye. He didn't beg them to stay, he knew they couldn't hear him. He knew they needed to move on, despite how painful it would be for all of them. But Owen knew Annie and Curt were up to the task.

Owen's hand fell to his side after Annie, Curt, and Stephanie disappeared from his view. Tears filled his eyes, but a smile was on his face.

"I love them all." He said, sitting back down on his grave. He picked up his fallen cards. "Now, back to that game."

934 words
This is probably really bad since I wrote it in one go
But that is the conclusion to Hey
Thank you, and goodbye

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