It's Christmas, Curt

227 12 23

Screw you, Christmas chapter-
Also modern au


"Dada! Papa! Wake up, wake up, Santa!" Eliza, the four year old girl that Curt and Owen had adopted two years ago now, was shaking her sleeping parents awake. Owen sat up in bed while Curt groaned loudly.

"Why don't you go downstairs and wait for us? It'll take a bit to get Papa out of bed." Owen whispered to Eliza, who nodded her head and giggled. She ducked out of the room while humming Jingle Bells merrily.

Curt groaned even louder when Owen turned on the lamp. He also grumbled when Owen pulled off the warm blankets that were wrapped around his body like a cocoon.

"Why do we need to get up so early?" Curt whined, while grabbing for his blankets. Owen, who had tossed the blankets on the floor, laughed softly. "Curt, it's Christmas."

Curt's eyes snapped open. "Why didn't you say so?" He jumped out bed, grabbing a blanket from off the floor and wrapped it around his shoulders while rushing out the door and down the stairs to the living room. Owen smiled softly as he watched his husband hurry off like an excited child before follow, although not as fast.

The living room looked like Christmas had chugged to much eggnog and had vomited all over. That wasn't to say it looked bad- it was just very festive.

Christmas lights were strung all around the walls, along with some tinsel that was getting glitter all over the floor. The floor was decorated with a surprisingly pretty Christmas rug which Barb had apparently made, though both Owen and Curt doubted that very much.

The Christmas tree was actually very small. You'd think that in a room so festive a tall tree would be present, but Owen reminded Curt that Christmas was really about Eliza's happiness, which meant a small tree she could decorate herself. The tree was covered in homemade ornaments and some other ones from who knows where.

Several packages littered the floor space underneath the tree, the biggest of which Eliza was poking and staring at.

"Hey bunny, we're here now so we can open presents!" Curt said while dragging Owen into the living room by his bathrobe sleeves. Eliza squealed and pulled two packages under the tree and handed them to her dads, who were now sitting on the couch.

"Well I knew you were getting a present, but I didn't know about me!" Owen grinned as he ripped open the wrapping paper of his present, while Curt did the same.

A red binder was waiting for Owen under all the Christmasy wrapping paper. In bold yellow letters it said, "Me And My Papa."

Curt's was blue, with green letters that read "Me and My Dad."

"I didn't know I was getting one of these." They said at the same time, before looking at each other and laughing.

They both knew that pictures of them and Eliza and doodles by Eliza the aspiring artist waited in the pages of these colorful binders, and they couldn't have asked for a better Christmas gift. They hugged and thanked Eliza before handing her the gift from them.

Happy, excited yells met their ears as Eliza unwrapped markers and a couple coloring books. "Thank you!" She laughed as Owen pulled her onto his lap.

"Of course, bunny. Anything for you. Well, not really anything, that was an exaggeration." Owen admitted. Eliza giggled.

"What's so funny, bunny?" Curt asked, switching Eliza onto his lap and tickling her.

"Look up, dada!" Eliza giggled. Curt glanced up and his face reddened as he saw the mistletoe that he hung himself. He turned to Owen who quickly kissed him.

After they had finished that, Curt blushed and hid his face. Owen rolled his eyes. "Curt, we've been married for four years."

"I know." Curt murmured. Four years and Owen's kisses still made his heart flutter like he was a teenager.

"Now back to Christmas." Owen clapped and went to retrieve more presents.

It was a very good Christmas.


675 words
✨Christmas vibes✨

Also I started school sooooo
I didnt die or anything when I don't upload for a long time

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