pt1 - met by accident

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win is a ambicouse writer who love to write stories, happens to sign in a writting contest running late for it so he rushed out  to the contest with a file in his hand looking at time he's running late and there's a bad boy who happens to be around girls but he already has a girl friend riding his motocylce as fast as he can he was angry at that time he barely can see his way on streets  win was crossing the street untill that guy almost hit him but  fell down scrached his motobyc win also fell on the floor he  was unconciuons win was so scared that the guy was driving the motocylce was dead still win wasn't hurt that much as bright
"hey, hey are you ok?"
shaked him to see if he's ok

"hey mr," still trying to wake him  up but no avail
"what should i do i'm running late?"

win talked to himself.
then the guy  regains consciousness
"what happend?" the guy asks win
"are you alright? should i take you to a hospital?  are you hurt?"
win said
"....." no answer
the guy grabbed win's shirt with one of his hands saying
"what happend? what have you done?"
in a low tone.
"what?!!! i haven't done anything you bumped into me"
"i was driving..... and the last thing i know i'm here how? i can't remember what happend''
" you... you almost hit me "win trembeld so scared that the guy was hurt
" a... are you ok now? "
the guy rubbed his eyes trying to clear  his vision and trying to get up to stand but he just couldn't he hurt his leg very bad win approched him to offer help but he would just push win away
"i don't need your help get away"
hits win's tummy 
win crouched and grabbed his tummy moaned out of pain "ughhh, what the hell is wrong with you? i was just trying to help"
the guy turned his face to win
" if you really wanna help fix my motocylce"
"but..... but i can't affored to fix it..."
"no buts... you said you wanted to help"
"yeah but i can't do that..."
the misterious guy puts his number on wins hand and leaves him with his motocylce, now win was already late and his time ran out so he sat on the floor feeling so sad about it
"it was my dream to become a writer*sobs"
  wipes his tears while standing up in a ambiciouse way grawling

"ughhhhh there's always next time i don't care"
head back home with that guy's motocylce
he heads to his room puts his hand in his pocket and he finds the guys number

"whats that name? b... bri.. bright? what kind of a name is this?" pressed the numbers on his phone to called bright
"hello? who is it" bright answers
"ahhh... it's win the guy who you almost hit this morning"
" guy who?"
"the motocylce  accident guy!! remember?"
"ahh, yeah... what... do.. you want have you decided to fix it?"
"look i was just trying to clear up things and i don't have a proper job to fix the motocylce i have a part time job and... ''
" and your struggling to get money blah blah blah i know that old same story "
" no.... i mean yes but i can get some if you waited a little bit more"

"how much can i wait?  a day?  a week? maybe a month?"

"uhhh, i don't know untill i can afford fixing it"

"look mr win or byc guy what ever your name was i need to get it fixed right away no time for waiting"

"but.... sir i apoloize for this i can't really do that"

"then you have to take the resposabilty for this"

"huh resposabilty? wha...what do you mean?"

-to be continued -

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