part 5

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Blue pleaded win not to tell bright about what exactly happened , ofcours win said nothing he just sat there smirking at blue ehile she speaks .

He was thinking that if he threatened her she'd leave him alone ,but come to think of it she seemed scared and lost to win .

"Look , i was just trying to get back to bright because i_ well I'm.... pregnant"

Wins eyes widend when he heared blue saying that .

"And what dose it have to do with bright?"

"I just want him back that's all''
Win pressed his hands on the table and said

"Well it's too late for you,he has me now and we have been together for two years now.... he's not gonna leave me because of a woman who had an affair with lots of men and got pregnant because of who? Because she brought it yo herself"

"I - this is " blue was speachless her mouth opened up at the sight of win smirking at her vesiously .

" Get off of my bright or else you'll never get to see the light again ( person) ''

"But win i really need his help "

"I don't think he wants to help ,i was on the edge of breaking up with him because of you "

"I'm gonna ask you for a favor then "

"Favor huh?"

"Please come back to the company, we really need you"

"I will not come back,even if the boss himself begged me to "

"I'm not trying to do anything win ,trust me''

Win shrugs to stand he doesn't want to hear more nonsense from blue.

"I heard enough, do as asked and I'm done here"
Win clicks on the table takes his phone and sunglasses and leaves

"WIN..." She started crying

He didn't reply on her and just continued walking .

On the other hand blue's tears fade after he leaves and turn in to a smirk ,wipping her fake tears away .

"You'll never be happy as long as I'm here living "

She stands straight full of confidence smiling as she won the jackpot .

At home

Bright comes back from work exhausted looks for win .

"Baby are you back?"

"Yes I'm in the kitchen making dinner "

win is cooking dinner busy frying onions in the pan stirring it then a hug from the back embraced him .

"P baiii i will burn myself if you keep doing that"

"Then let it go now "

"No the onions will burn too"

"Awww "

Bright sniffs wins neck as he gives him a kiss .
Win feels tickelish

"Ahh p bai it's tickelish stop "

"I just miss you today"

"I missed you too "

" By the way ,where did you go this morning?"

"I had to meet a friend "

"You must've had fun then "

" I did "

"Next time take me with you "

"Ohh i definitely will don't worry "
Win smirks he knows what will he do if blue saw bright he'll get his revenge at that time.

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