"Austin. You're home." She raised her brows as her eyes widened.

"Yeah, I got home a few hours ago." I gave her a small smile, preparing myself for her to smother me with a hug.

But instead, her eyes shifted to Lena before they traveled back to me, with what almost looked like intimidation in her eyes.

"Glad you're feeling better." She gave me a weak smile, before making her way to sit on the other side of the room.

"Weird. She usually doesn't hesitate to throw herself at me." I mumbled under my breath, letting out a sigh of relief that she somehow must have changed in the past six months.

But judging from the hardened stare on her face once she sank down across from Lena, I couldn't help but feel as if Natalie were threatened by her.

"Maybe she realized she wasn't your type." Lena muttered back, giving me a small smirk.

"Oh yeah? And what do you know about my type?" I cocked my brow, curious to hear her response.

"Dark hair, down to earth and just a little spicy." She chuckled, her description more than accurate as she listed off only a few traits of my preference.

"Funny, sounds like you're describing yourself." I daringly spoke, causing her cheeks to burn with a blush shade of pink.

"So what if I am?" She responded, a hint of confidence in her voice as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Then I would say maybe you are my type. Except I have a feeling that you're more than a little spicy." My eyes subtly sweeping down to her breasts, as I was unable to stop myself from stealing another glance.

"They feel as soft as they look, if thats what you're wondering." Her soft voice was angelic enough to conceal her wicked words as she innocently batted her eyes lashes at me.

I let out a low chuckle at how unpredictable this girl truly was, taken by surprise at how bold she was being.

"I'm in for a wild ride getting to know you all over again, aren't I?" I asked, feeling the excitement build between us.

"You have no idea rockstar." She slowly glided her hand from my knee, placing it back into her lap as she sat back and crossed one leg over the other. The playful smile on her lips stiffening my pants once more.

But I was soon reminded that we were not exactly alone as we were surrounded by a room full of people.

I wondered if anyone had noticed the chemistry between and if they suspected anything as she was still my employee. But to be quite honest, no one really looked too suspicious of our flirtatious demeanors, either that or they were looking the other way.

"Hey Lee, show Austin some of the videos that you took from tour." Smitty called across the room, reminding me of our conversation earlier in the car.

She gave him a short nod as she reached for her phone next to her, unlocking it and scrolling through her gallery.

"Just scroll to the left, I have a few different ones." She said, handing me her phone after pressing the play button in the center of the screen.

I took a sip of my wine as I watched myself performing Circles live for the very first time since I lost my memory. It was truly incredible to see all of my fans screaming my lyrics at the top of their lungs to a song that was so different from my usual sound.

I chuckled as heard Lena's cheers at the end of the video, flattered by the fact that she liked my music.

"I'm going to get us more wine." She said quietly, rising from her seat and hustling to the kitchen to search my bar.

My finger must have accidently slid to the right instead of the left, a different video now on the screen automatically playing on her phone.

"Lena is currently painting my nails and doing a horrible job if I do say so myself."

I heard my own voice as the video showed Lena sitting  comfortably on my bed with her legs criss crossed, my hand in hers as she sloppily swept the polish brush across my pinky nail.

Her hair was tossed on top of her head and her face free of any makeup. Her brows were wrinkled with concentration and she wore a white strapped top with what looked like matching white pajamas shorts. She looked like an absolute angel.

"Hey! I'm not doing such a bad job." She scowled as she famously puckered her bottom lip, a habit I picked up on that she always seemed to do whenever she wanted to wrap me around her finger.

"No hard feelings groupie, but a five year old could do a better job than you." I heard myself snicker as my current self furrowed my brows.

There was that word again. Groupie.

"Please Lena. I saw you singing all the words to Circles while I was up on stage tonight. You are a Post Malone fan and you fucking know it." I smirked.

"Circles is catchy okay!" She shrugged, turning bright pink at the fact that I caught her red handed screaming my lyrics like no tomorrow.

"Just admit it, you know you want to." I teased, grinning from ear to ear as I couldn't get enough of her fan girling over me.

"Alright I'm a fucking Post Malone fan!" She exclaimed as she rolled her eyes upwards, her tiny dimples peaking out onto her beautiful face.

"Whatever you say groupie."

I snapped back into reality from my memory flashblack, the video still playing on her phone as my head seemed to be the only thing running in circles at the moment.

I stared at her screen as I saw my past self grab ahold of her hand, placing a kiss onto the back of it.

"How about you make it up to me?"

I watched as a smirk appeared on her face, "And how exactly am I going to do that rockstar?" 

"I can think of a few ways." I surprisingly had replied to her.


I immediately slid my finger back to the left as I saw Lena in my peripheral view calling for me. I swallowed hard as I tore my eyes from the screen, wanting to see the rest of that video more than anything in this world.

I rose from my seat and made my way to the kitchen to see what she needed.

"You okay Lee?" I asked as I watched her struggle to open the bottle.

"Can you help me? I can't seem to get it open for the life of me."  She chuckled as I came up behind her.

I pressed my chest against her back, feeling it instantly arch as I placed one hand on the side of her hip.

"You know for someone that claims they drink alot of wine, you sure are terrible at using a cork screw groupie." 

Author's Note

Hi loves! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and it wasn't too confusing. Thank you for reading and for your support 💕

Please be careful and cautious as covid cases are surging once again. Unfortunately I was exposed to a positive patient at work without proper PPE and have to get tested 😩 Please continue to stay safe and wear your masks! Love you all 💘

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt