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I changed the cover- again- I sewer I'm done messing with it but this one I'm really happy with!! Enjoy the chapter babie potatos uwu!

Hi its me again- so.... I've done something[or I'm trying something] and uhh it's kind of big, or to my lazy butt it is- so please notice it HA-

It's saturday night now, and boy is chaeryeong panicked to sleep with ryujin... but she knows good and well she will not be able to sleep by herself so she knows she has to-

"you ready for bed? ryujin asks as she gets the bed ready. chaeryeong nods and looks through her bag as she says "i just need to change... w-where are my sleeping clothes-"

ryujin raises an eyebrow as she asks, "what do you mean?" "i-i can't find my sleep clothes.." chaeryeong replies as she pouts and sets her bag down on the floor. "you can borrow some of mine if you want?" chaeryeong pouts more and says "but i don't wanna dirty up your clothes..." ryujin quickly responds, "you wouldn't be!! here" as she pulls out a pair of shorts and a large gray hoodie-

chaeryeong just nods and goes to the bathroom to change. she comes back and ryujin almost, almost, coo'd at how cute she looked- the hoodie was so big it went almost to her knees, you couldn't even see the shorts-

"w-we can go to sleep now..." chaeryeong mumbles as she plays with the sleeves of ryujin's hoodie. ryujin nods and awkwardly sits down[I did a scene like this in one of my drafts- It's so painful to witness AHHH-] she notices chaeryeong just standing there looking around, she clears her throat and says "you can lay down too ya know..."

the other looks at her and blushes while mumbling "ah yes.. right" as she sits down on the opposite side of the bed, waiting for ryujin to do something- anything?

but ryujin just stares at chaeryeong with very confused eyes-

eventually, after a very awkward few minutes of intense eye contact; ryujin slowly lays down, turning around where she's facing away from chaeryeong[was that english-] she feels chaeryeong lay down as well, also feeling chaeryeong turned to where she was facing ryujins back

ryujin turns around but sees chaeryeongs eyes closed, so she just turns back around and goes to sleep

[how painful was that to read? I almost didn't include it but i wanted to tourture you guys HAHA! if you didn't feel the awkward though, i have failed:<]
some unknown time during the night

ryujin wakes up to lots of movement on the other side of the bed-

"no.... no please-" she hears chaeryeong mumble as she tosses and turns agressively. ryujin rubs her eyes, still confused on the situation, before she heard chaeryeong whimper

she turns to chaeryeong and shakes her gently as she whispers tiredly, "hey hey... you're okay.." the other wakes up and gasps while she looks aroung, panicking when she notices the other figure in the bed with her

chaeryeong tries to push her away but ryujin whispers, "hey!! it's me, ryujin...." chaeryeong sighs and without even thinking about it she dives into ryujins arms, who's a little shocked at the contact but quickly wraps her arms around chaeryeong, hugging her close. chaeryeong cries in her chest for what felt like hours, though it's only been a few minutes

"what happened baby?" ryujin asks, (not even realizing she's called chaeryeong baby) as she runs her fingers through chaeryeongs hair, because oddly enough she knows that it calms her down?

chaeryeong whimpers and cuddles closer to ryujin as she mumbles "nightmare..."

ryujin just nods, not wanting to ruin this moment with words, so her and chaeryeong just cuddled until eventually they both fell back asleep together
chaeryeong woke up sunday morning and ryujin wasn't there- not like she was hoping for ryujin to still be there with her

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