"It better stay like that after my pregnancy."

In our bedroom, Gojo ushered me to the mattress as I wobbled on my knees before slowly laying down. "Sleep by the wall."

The game of balance was always testing me. I had to be careful about this. I didn't want to lose my child because of my carelessness. My movements were short yet precise until I completely laid on the comfy bed. "Babe, you should buy me a pregnancy pillow that looks like a big seahorse. It'll make it easier for me to sleep since my whole body is being cushioned." It's not easy to find a good sleeping position when my belly weighs a ton. It's also a struggle to sleep on my side because I have a hard time flipping on my back.

"If that's what my beautiful wife wants then I'll grant it." Gojo planted a long kiss on my lips before pulling back and throwing a blanket over us. "Let me spoon you," one arm of his was tucked under my neck and the other held the base of my stomach. "Naozumi is going to be loved by both of his parents." He wasn't wrong. I see Gojo being the cool dad, whereas I'm the strict mom. Together our parenting style will balance things out.

"I love you," I don't know what I would do without him. I don't think I would've been able to leave the house if I had never been engaged to him. My life drastically changed, and I'm not mad about it. I'm very content where I'm at. Gojo taught me so much about life.

3 months later,

"Can't I be selfish for this whole month?! I'm going to be giving birth this week, Satoru! You can't leave me for a mission." I grabbed onto his black sleeve, feeling my frustration watering my eyes. "I don't care what the higher ups have to say! I'm begging you not to go!" My vision blurred from me holding in my tears. "I don't want you to miss the birth of your son...!" My hot tears streamed down my cheeks as I sniffed.

Gojo's face twisted in sadness and irritation. He didn't want to leave either, but he's forced to because of the higher ups. They don't care if I'm pregnant or not, if they want Gojo to go then he has to. Gojo's voice strained, lips quivering as he held my face in his hands. "Please, Ena... Don't look at me with those eyes. You know I don't want to leave at a special time like this."

My chest tightened from this situation placed on us. I wished the higher ups chose someone else than Gojo. They can't take my man when I'm on the verge of delivering my son to this world. "Then don't! Don't go! Don't leave me!" I wrapped myself on his arms, acting like a leech so he couldn't rip me off. I desperately want him here with me. Who knows when he'll be back from his mission? This is a once in a lifetime event that we'll have. I doubt I'll have another child after Naozumi.

I know I'm putting him in a hard position, but he has a choice whether he leaves or stays. Gojo obviously has to choose me since I'm his pregnant fiancée who's giving birth fairly soon. "Ena, I'm sorry I can't slack off this mission." Gojo gently ripped me off of him. It wasn't a cold action but a sense of duty. My chest tightened and my breath hitched, causing more tears to erupt from my reddened eyes.

I blew a fuse. "How is this mission any different from the ones from before?! I don't understand how—" I didn't want to argue with him because there's no point, and I can't stress myself while pregnant. It's not good for me. "You know what, forget it! Leave! By the time you come back I'll have my son in my arms!"

I stormed into our bedroom as I quickly began packing my clothes. "What are you doing, Ena?" Gojo's patient was at its wits end. This tense air was getting to him too like poison.

"What do you think I'm doing?!" I aggressively threw some dresses into my duffel bag. "I'm leaving for Ieiri's place! I'd rather not wake up to a cold bed tomorrow morning!" I hissed out.

The Bride of Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now