Chapter 2 Changing Rooms and hot everything.

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Krirshimas POV

The road the bus for what felt like forever in the extreme heat. When they finally arrived at the mall they needed to go into the ac and make up a plan. He was just about to get up as he bumped into someone. Ofcourse it was Bakugou. He couldn't help but feel something at the end of his stomach twist as he looked up. Their eyes locked again and he smiled. Katsuki Bakugou smiled! It was the first time ever. Not one of his killing smiles but one that was foreal! Eijiro was so happy he could burst.

"Are you just gonna stay in the bus all day?" Denki shouted from outside.

That was when Eijiro looked away.

"Should we go?" He asked the blond teen behind him.

He just nodded and they went to join the others.

The mal was a lot bigger than what he would have imagined. With three floors and an arcade. They split up, Ida, Uraraka, Midoria, Tsuyu, Mina and Shoot to look at the different food places. Denki, Jiro, Yaoyorozu and Shinso went too the music shop. Ojiro and Hagakure looked at girl clothes for her. Sato, Koda, Shoji, Sero, Tokoyami and Mineta strolled around. Aoyama looked at his reflection in the fountain. That left him and Bakugou to stroll around. Enjiro needed new clothes and Bakugou wanted to come with him. So there they were looking for clothes together. Everything went smoothly until they were to try things on. The changing rooms were full and only one free.

"Do you want to go first?" Bakugou asked. Kirishima couldn't un-see the softness in the blond voice.

"No it's kind of big I think we both could fit." He said this without thinking. Well too late to take it back now.

"S-sure if it's okay with you"

They both went in and suddenly Eijiro was panaking. Why did I ask?! Play it cool, this is no problem we are just to manly men doing a manly thing right? So why was he suddenly so aware of bakugou's toned arms and smell. He smelled like caramel. Oh heaven on earth. Then Bakugou took off his shirt. Hi couldent help but look. Hard abs were hiding beneath the fabric and wow. He needs to stop before it gets obvious that he thinks these things.

"Are you going to try on the clothes or not?" Bakugou asked.

"Yeah absolutely" said startled.

He took off his shirt and saw the Bakugou now don't have any clothes on except boxers. Eijiro turns around to face the wall. Oooo this is not happening no way. If I take my shorts off this is going to be bad. He thinks this and suddenly feels someone tugging at his ponytail. A small moan slips out between his lips but he doesn't care.

"B-bakugou?" he asks, voice not able to be stedy.

"Mmm '' He gets an answer still not being able to turn around.

The redhead can feel every little pull of the hair sending electric waves down to his lower half. He's mind is blank and it stops. He turns around hoping and praying that the blood doesn't look down. He doesn't because he's looking right at him.

"I like your new hair style" The blond says with a husky voice.

Kirishima can't answer before the blond walks out from the changing room.

"I'll be in the one next to you" He heard him shout.

Well fuck. This was unexpected but welcome.

Bakugou POV


Katsuki Bakugou was drenched in sweat more than normal for his quirk. He was hot and bothered. Bothered because of the redhead sitting two rows in front of him. With his hair up in a ponytail. UGHHH!! It's too hot, he needs to get out.

On the way out he bumps into Kirishima. Maybe because of the heat stroke akatsuki smiles a normal smile he can't bring himself to yell so he just smiles.

"Are you just going to stay in the bus all day?!" He heard Dunce face yell from the outside. If possible with Shinso there he would kill him.

"Should we go?"The Hot teen in front of him asked. He could only nood and all thouts of murder askaped his mind.

Finally they arrived at the mall. Inside they have an AC system that will be like heaven.

And he was right. AC is the best! The extras decided to split up. Some wanted food and the others just strolled. Kirishima said he needed new clothes and Bakugou agreed so he ventured with him. It went well and bakugou found himself smiling at the excited kirishima that ran around in the store. Adorable. Bakugou picked up some things to try out as well.

The changing rooms were packed and there was only one left.

"Do you want to go first?" He asked with as much softness he could muster.

"No it's kind of big I think we both could fit." Is he serious? the blood asked himself.

"S-sure if it's okay with you" he still couldn't believe it. Is this a flirting attempt?

They went in and katsuki closed the curtain. What does this mean? What is happening? His thoughts scream at him all kinds of things. He felt himself get nervous but he took off his shirt anyway. He could feel the gaze from the other teen. Oh no. He felt his lower half starting to react from the gaze.

"Are you going to try on the clothes or not?" he asked in desperation to get the heat off him.

"Yeah absolutely" he got an answer and the redhead took off his shirt.

He took the moment to get his pants off so he wouldn't stare.

He saw the face of the other suddenly turn bright red as he turned around.

Ohh fuck, I can't take this any more. But what am I going to do? I can't do anything! then a small tail of hair caught his attention. He grabbed it, pulled on it and he moved closer hoping that he wasn't touching him with something other than his hand. The other teen let out a small moan at the sensation, it went right down his stomach.


"Mmm" Was the only thing he could muster in response.

The red haired teen was still turned against the wall and Bakugou never felt like stopping but if he didn't he may go further. He heard the star beside them opening and not closing so he stopped. Kririshima turned around and the look on his face was nearly another for Bakugou to jump him right there. But he just said.

"I like your new hair style" and he changed room to the one att the right side.

"I'll be in the one next to you" He shouted to Krishima.

Fuck that was close! Does he hate me now? 

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