chapter 20

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I'm so sorry guys! I know it's been over a week since I last updated this story.

But I swear I didn't quit! I just didn't find the right time to work on this.


'Oh god! I'm running late!'

As per usual, the brunet that hasn't been an earthling for that long ever since his reincarnation, is late for the soccer club, again.

Despite having matured quite a bit after reincarnating compared to his past self, old habits are just hard to change

"I'm here!"

"You're late, Tenma."

"Sorry captain!"

The said brunet bowed to his current captain as an apology and the said strategist didn't have much choice, other than letting him off the hook

"Anyway, we have a new member today."


"This is Itsuo Mizunari from the second year class, he just joined in today."

"U-uh, welcome to the team, Itsuo-senpai." Tenma felt a bit uncomfortable under the other's eyes, they seemed foreign, yet somehow familiar

"Oh don't be so formal, Tenma-kun, just call me Mizunari."

"Um, ok... Mizunari-senpai..." The said brunet felt even more uncomfortable trying to pronounce the senior's first name, not only that, he also felt like the senior was up to something, something that is anything but good

'What is this feeling...?'


On the field, the senior demonstrated great skills, almost surpassing Tsurugi, despite he has never been a Seed before and the fact that he doesn't have a Keshin.

During break time, Mizunari would often get in the way of conversations, specifically Tenma's conversations in particular. Everytime Tenma talked to his friends, the senior would just pop out of nowhere and interrupt them, he would also constantly try to change whatever topic they were talking about to an irrelevant and suspicious one, while trying to drag the others away from Tenma at the same time. It was almost as if he was forcing himself to seem interesting in order to scoop everyone away from Tenma.

The said brunet found this to be very strange, he also began to fear that things might go back to what they were like before, when 'Shiro' was still around, but luckily for him, his friends were no different than himself.

Everyone in the team also found Mizunari to be suspicious and after their experience with 'Shiro', they've been much more wary of the people that surrounded them, and right now, Mizunari doesn't seem like a trustworthy person at all. They also didn't want to hurt Tenma's feelings again, especially after all the pain they made him suffer, so everytime when Mizunari would try to drag them along, they would always find a way to leave him behind and get back to Tenma once again, even if it means sneaking away without him noticing.

This carried on for over a week and the teammates got very tired of the senior, same with the coaches, but they didn't have enough reasoning to kick Mizunari out of the club, so they could only avoid him as much as possible, much like the teammates. The said senior however, got more and more irritated as the days went by and it certainly showed in many different ways, most of those being anger issues. He would often get angry at the simplest of things, he would throw stomping tantrums whenever the teammates would refuse to hangout with him, he would often curse out loud right in front of their faces and many other things along those lines, in other words, he began behaving like a spoiled brat.


"Hey, did anyone see Tenma?" Asked the current captain and strategist of the team to his fellow teammates

"No, he said he was going to the toilet." Responded the senior's bestfriend to his question

"That's weird."

"Hmm? What do you mean, Kariya?"

"I just came back from the toilet a few seconds ago and I was the only one there, I didn't even see him on my way back here."


Almost everyone jumped at their own screams, but they also knew they had to remain calm enough to at least think, so they tried to settle down as much as possible, even though they were all pretty frantic on the inside

"Where could he be..." The teammates and coaches were getting worried, they didn't want to loose their lovely brunet twice.

Suddenly, someone's phone rang and judging by the ringtone, Endou recognised it as his, but when he looked at the screen, it was a number that wasn't marked in his contacts


"Why hello~, coach Endou~."


All eyes were on the coach, who was still in a state of shock after hearing the senior's voice from the other side of the line

"How do you have my number!?"

"Nah-ah~, I wouldn't use that tone if I were you." Warned the said senior with a childish/diva voice "You wouldn't want anything happening to your loooovely brunet, would you~?"

"What did you do to him!?"

"Oh! My bad~, I wasn't supposed to give out such a clear hint, but~, since I did, you might as well come to the field and find out for yourselves, see yaaaaaa~."

Bring him backNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ