chapter 5

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The kids were actually starting to argue about this, they all wanted Tenma to get acclimated to them as fast as possible, so they began inventing all kinds of excuses and arguments, the fight was so strong that even Aoi, despite being Tenma's childhood friend didn't stand a chance against them, some of them just kept quiet, low key terrified of their teammates. The others that were watching mostly sweat dropped, Aoyama and Ichino began murmuring something between them and Tenma began feeling unsettling

'Their bickering and arguments are so annoying, this is beginning to look more like a dog fight than a debate.' If it wasn't because he was a ghost, he would've most definitely ran his hand through his hair 'That's it! This fight is stopping right now!'

"Katra, Lalaya." The princesses turned their heads to the ghost boy and nudged their heads, as sign for him to continue "I do believe that I should have the right to choose who I want to be with."

"Do you have a specific person in mind?" Asked Katra, kind of surprised

"Apart from Aoyama and Ichino-senpai, there's one more person I'm willing to be with."

"Then who is it?"



Ozrock clapped his hands, getting everyone's attention

"You can all stop arguing now, Matsukaze has done the work for you. He chose a specific teammate himself." Everyone's eyes were glued to Ozrock, anticipating for the answer, the fighters from the debate were all praying that it would be them "Matsukaze chose, Kageyama Hikaru."

(And you were all wrong >:D)

"Eh!!!!!?????" They all turned heads to the little boy who was sitting in a ball form, his eyes were wide as plates and his mouth was also wide open

"Do any of you have a problem with Matsukaze's choice?" Asked Ozrock, seeing that a ton of them didn't like what he just confessed

"One question, why Hikaru?" Asked Aoi to Ozrock

"That's not the question for me to answer, you should try and ask Matsukaze here." Tenma sighed, not wanting to explain something so insignificant - in his perspective -, but nonetheless he began explaining

"Unlike the rest of you, Hikaru wasn't all that bad. Sure, he ignored me and all, but he didn't physically hurt me nor with his words. He may not have helped me once you were done hurting me, but he certainly wasn't half as bad as the rest of you." With that being said, they immediately shut their mouths up and the princesses took advantage of the moment to cast the spell on both of them

"There are a couple things we still need to tell you." Said Lalaya "First things first, even though Tenma's gonna have to stay with you, he can still kind of roam around freely, but not too far apart to the point where you can't find him." Hikaru was soaking every drop of information presenting to him, in case there's something he needs to know to not mess things up from here on

"Also, there's another sign when you start making progress in your friendship with Tenma." Said Katra "Once he starts getting acclimated to you, he'll not only be willing to get close and talk to you, his black marks or scars, if you will, will also start disappearing as you guys get closer." The Raimon members were glad to know that there was a certain way, in which they could tell if Tenma was truly happy with them or faking his happiness, they hate themselves for doubting the once brunet, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Ozrock then gave coach Endou a bracelet with a purple stone hanging from it, the stone itself was quite stunning, it also had some type of liquid looking stuff swirling on the inside

"Once you get Matsukaze's approval, you just have to put two fingers on top of this stone and we'll come here as fast as possible." Explained the alien. After all of that, the three aliens went back to their own planet and the Raimon members also went back to their homes, to try and salvage the most sleep they can get for the rest of the night.


Shindou's Pov

'Ugh! Why couldn't I have been the chosen one!? Damnit! All because I was freaking blinded by Okita's words! I swear, if I ever see him again, I'm gutting all of his intestines out!'

After that stomping tantrum in my brain, I finally calmed down. Hearing that Tenma chose Hikaru out of everyone else, including me, made my blood boil a thousand degrees, why? BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!

I freaking love him, and I'm an absolute idiot because I only found out about it when I lost him in the hospital! How could I have been so blind all along!? Why call me a prodigy or god when I can't even protect my most precious person!?

'Okay, take a deep breath Shindou, he most likely chose Hikaru just because he wasn't as bad as the rest of us were, just like he said. You still have the chance to win his heart.' I was starting to finally calm down again, feeling my body temperature going down.

Tsurugi's Pov

I was on my way back home, thinking about all the times that I bullied Tenma when he was still alive, not only when Okita came, but also when we first met. I should've learned my lesson at that point, Tenma is a true friend, a one of a kind, he believed in me during my worst, yet I turned my back on him when he was at his worst.

When we went to the hospital, realizing that Tenma was in the E.R, I felt a pain in my chest, a stab right through my heart, but even so I couldn't reveal my own pain because of my stupid pride, I chose pride over the life of my bestfriend, no, someone who is more than a bestfriend to me, I'm the absolute worst!

'I can't loose him a second time! This time I'm confiscating, not only his forgiveness and trust, but also his love and affection, most important of all, his heart will be mine.'

Kariya's Pov

On my way back home, I felt regretful and bittersweet, why bittersweet? Because I'm happy that we found Tenma, but I'm jealous that Hikaru gets him all for himself.

I admit, I used to have a crush on Kirino-senpai, but when Tenma was gone, I realized that my true love is towards that soccer freak, well, particularly not a soccer freak anymore. I cried all night the day I lost him, if I would've just used my idiotic brain, I would've at least seen through Okita's lies and stand side by side with Tenma

'Grr, just the mention of that alien's name gets my blood boiling like a fiery sea.' But what's the use of hating him now if the damage is already done...? Although, there is still one way to ruin his plan 'I'm gonna ruin his plan by gaining Tenma's trust again, and~ might as well help the others too along the way, but there's one other thing that I'm not willing to help anyone else gain, because~ his heart belongs to me.'

Kirino's Pov

'Why didn't I trust my heart...?' I regret everything I did when Tenma was still alive. Deep down I always knew that there was something fishy about Shiro, no, Okita, and I always knew that Tenma was innocent in the bottom of my heart, but I was too much of a coward to go against everyone else 'I'm such an idiot...' If I was previously there for him, maybe I could've prevented him from his doom by keeping him company.

Now I know what's right and I know I should trust my heart from now on 'I'm not gonna sit out like I did before, I'm also gonna convince Tenma to come back and once he's back, I'm confiscating what I claim to be mine, his heart.'

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