Chapter 23 • will you?🕊

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Your POV
This morning I slowly being to wake up to the sound of birds, it was the first time in a while since I had a really good sleep. Not because I've been up and down with Leandro, more just because I haven't been fully relaxed but after having the night with Ondreaz I really did have the best sleep. The smell of food began to fill the room making me hum at how amazing it smelt, I roll over to see Ondreaz wasn't in bed but there was a note

Good morning my beautiful sleepy head,
I really enjoyed last night and wanted to continue it this morning. When you wake meet me down stairs for a special breakfast

Love, dre

I smile at the note and slip out of bed to see rose pedals over the floor, wow he really has continued last night onwards. As I leave the room I go to see if Ondreaz had got Leandro out of bed, i quickly peaked my head Into the room and saw Leandro starting to open his eyes

Y/n- hi baby, did you have a good sleep too?

He looks up at me but snuggles himself into my chest

Y/n- you continue to melt my heart, let's get you changed and we will go get some breakfast with dadda

I change hun and start to make my way down stairs to the kitchen to see Ondreaz cooking breakfast shirtless, ugh why do I have to wake a few more weeks. I could seriously need some 'dre and y/n time', I shake my head out of my thoughts and head over to Ondreaz who sees Leandro and I

Ondreaz- good morning mamas, good morning my boy how was your sleep" he asks taking Leandro taking him from me

Leandro snuggles himself into Ondreaz which makes me melt even more

Ondreaz- how about you mamas, how did you sleep?

Y/n- it was one of the best sleeps I've had in a while

Ondreaz- that's good to hear, go sit at the table food is almost ready

Y/n- I'll go get sj and Tony

Ondreaz- they've got out for the day

Y/n- oh okay

Leandro and I sit at the table as Ondreaz finishes the food on the table, we talk about stuff Ondreaz is working on with his music and a few things they are being planned family wise

Y/n- so tell me, why are you doing all of this? I love it a lot but why?

Ondreaz- because you deserve to be treated like a queen mamas, I haven't done anything in a while to show how much I appreciate you so I thought after last night I'd do something special for you

Y/n- well thank you

He smiles and leans over and gives me a quick kiss then we finish breakfast. While I washed up Ondreaz come up from behind and wraps his arms around my waist

Ondreaz- be ready in 30 minutes, we are gonna have a family day" he kisses my cheek and gets Leandro then heads upstairs.

I finish the dishes and rush upstairs to get myself changed into something cute

I finish the dishes and rush upstairs to get myself changed into something cute

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