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Nessa's POV

So update it's been 1 and a half hours since josh
DMed me and I have gotten zero work done so I texted my New Jersey bestie Lucindah

Hey cindah meet me at the mall

Ofc see you there bubs

Ok so she's coming she can help me figure out what to do and get my mind off of the one and only josh Richards.
I arrive at the mall and see cindah waiting for me by her car. I get out and walk over to her but she didn't see me coz I came from behind, I walk up quietly and scare her she jumped so high, I was dyeing of laughter and when she noticed it was me she playfully hit me in the back of the head. Once I finally controlled my laughing we said hi and walked into the mall.
Lucindah-L Nessa-N
N- hey cindah how are you
L- I'm ok how bout you bubs
N- I'm pretty good a bit distracted and really happy
L- ok so what's up
N- ok so it started off when my manager called me telling me that I'm going on a 9 week long tour with heaps of other TikTokers, so I then messaged Mads telling her that I'm going with her and she got really excited and was saying stuff about how josh would finally be able to meet me and shit but she wouldn't tell me what she meant.
L- hold on so Mads was talking about josh. Richards right the one your like obsessed with?
N- I'm not obsessed with him but yes josh Richards anyway, I was scrolling on TikTok when I got a dm from you guessed it josh Richards we started talking for a bit but he had to go so he gave me his number and we said we would talk later
L- wait so omg you get to spend 9 weeks with josh and Mads omg so excited for you I'm going to miss you heaps though, I mean you and josh will end up dating no doubt so it's all g i guess." Cindah rambled on as we were walking around. We ended up going into a lot of shops and brought quite a lot of stuff , after shopping we decided we would go out to eat.

✨When Nessa gets home✨

So it's kinda late by the time I got home from spending time with Cindah but I honestly had a great time and got a lot of really cute things and plus it got my mind off of josh didn't it.
It was like 9:30 now and I was sitting in bed watching 'The Vampire Diary's' (iconic) when I got a text from josh asking if we could FaceTime. I mean I was really nervous and excited at the same time because I mean let's be honest I'm in sweats and my hair is in a messy bun and I've got my glasses on I honestly don't look the greatest but that's fine I wanted to talk to him so I obviously said "yes" that we could FaceTime
Josh and I were talking until like 2 in the morning when we both fell asleep on FT.

✨A few days later✨
Josh and I have FaceTimed each other every day since he DMed me and we have honestly talked so much and have gotten sooo Close in such a short time. I leave for tour today so I'm saying good bye to Cindah and my friends then leaving to go to the airport

C- I'm gonna miss you soo much
N- me to boo
C- remember have fun but not too much fun uhhh I sound like a mum aha anyway I can't wait for you to come back because we all know you will be with josh and have all the tea just please don't come home pregnant hehe
N- oh.my.god who do you think I am cindah and stop sounding like my mum. I laughed at what she said
N- but seriously I am going to miss you FT every day promise
C- promise
N-ok well I better go luv you boo
C- luv you bae bye miss you already
And with that I left. Once I got to the airport I checked in and all that stuff then went and got Starbucks and sat down because I had some time before my flight left. Whilst I was sitting down I messaged josh
Ness💕✨ hey I'm at the airport now my flight leaves in like 15mins

Josh🥰✨ ok I can't wait to meet you I'll be at the airport waiting for you. My flight gets in just before yours

Ness💕✨ ok well I gtg bye bubs see you soon

Josh🥰✨ bye xx

Josh and I call each bubs and stuff but like in a friend way ya know

My flight gets called so I get up and start to board. Once I sat down I thought I better text Mads to let her know I'm on the plane

Bad bleep🥵✨ I'm on the plane bout to take off can't wait to see you bitch

Bad bitty😻✨ omg yay can't wait to see you in a couple hours luv you boo see you then  x

And with that the plane took off.

Luv you guys thx for reading plz vote and comment your ideas I need help with some. Xx

Jessa //the beginningWhere stories live. Discover now