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A/N sorry I haven't updated in ages I've been really busy and unmotivated. Hope you like it I'll try update more xx

Nessa's POV
My flight just landed and I'm walking to luggage claim so that I can grab my stuff when I think that I should probably let Mads know that I landed and try to find josh.
I just got my luggage of the conveyor belt thing when I turn around and his standing there looking even better then through a screen, he was staring at me not in a creepy stalker way but in like astonishment.
N- take a photo it'll last longer
I joke as he snaps out of his thoughts smiling he then walks over to me and hugs me
J- hi ness it's so nice to finally meet you, your even more beautiful in person
N- awww thx, you don't look to bad your self
I said blushing
J- wow have I already made the nessa Barrett blush. He joked
J- how about we get Starbucks then head back to the hotel
N- ahah stawwwp, but that sounds like a plan

They head of to the Starbucks located in the airport order their drinks and sit down. Nessa pulls out her phone to let Mads knows that she has landed safely e and is with josh so she'll see her at the hotel. There just sitting there drinking there coffees and talking when they realise that they are being noticed by some fans
J- fans are starting to notice us we should probably get going
N- yep I agree let's go back to the hotel and hang out I wanna see Mads anyway
So they leave and head back to the hotel.

Sorry for the short chapter the next one will be longer hopefully it'll be out in the next 3 days xx

Jessa //the beginningWhere stories live. Discover now