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Hi. Hey. Hello. I know its been awhile but here I am again to give u an update 🤠.

I'll see u later on, have a good day.


"Good morning."

"Oh, hey maya..." I looked at Maya with a forced smile.

"You know I'm able to tell when you're sad or not, don't try to hide it from me. What's wrong Syd?" She said with a worrisome expression while putting her hand on my shoulder.

"It's nothing I'll tell you later, ok? Don't worry 'bout me. I'm just a lil grumpy today that's all." I said, lying. "Hmm..Ok, if you say so, but remember you can tell me anything okay? I'm always here for you." Even though I've been bothered by what happened last weekend, she still managed to put a smile on my face. "Thanks M, I really appreciate it." She nodded and we continued walking.

As me and Maya walk in Chemistry class, she sits in front of me, while I sit behind.

"Hey um..I think I might have forgotten to bring my pencil case, you mind if I borrow a pencil for today" Maya says. "Yea sure you know I don't mind." Smiling, I hand her one of my pencils and get back to what I was doing.


I looked up and all I saw was..her.

My eyes grew wide once I quickly realized who it was. "What are you doing here?!" I said whisper yelling. All she did was look right back at me, then smiled. An ugly smile if you ask me. "Who else would I have came for?"

"Jasmine. What are you doing in my class? You know you don't belong here, don't make me tell Mr. Matthews."

"I just came to tell my friend something." She looked back at me while Ms. Hall rolled her eyes and continued setting up her desk.

"Can you please leave me alone? I don't want to talk to you." I kept looking straight, I didn't even want to look at her ever again after what happened that day.

"Alright, well...can you at least text me or something? I know you're still mad at me, but I still want to talk to you." She said sadly, but I didn't care, I rolled my eyes and didn't reply. Shortly After she sighed and left.

"You guys are friends?? When did you even start talking to her?" She had an eyebrow raised.

"No we're not friends, and we never started talking."

"So why did she call you her 'friend' then?"

"It's nothing okay, she might just be crazy or something I don't know." I lied. "Forget about it. Plus, class is about to start anyways."

She squinted her eyes at me. "Hmm..if you say so."


As I finally leave my English class to go to lunch, I see Maya walking to me. "Heyyy!! Long time no see eh?" She ran up to me and hugged

I laugh. "I just saw you earlier for first period." "Ok? I miss seeing my friend, is that a problem?" I rolled my eyes and smiled still.

After we get our lunch we all sit down with a few people we know and hang out with.


All the way from the time I entered the cafeteria til the end of last period I felt like I was being watched. I been brushed it off though but it's still bothering me.

I didn't even realize that the bell been rung and the teacher's been tapping my shoulder.

"Hello??? Sydnie! It's time to go." Mr. Wayne slightly yelled. "I'M SORRY!" I quickly packed up my things and started going for the door. "Wait.." I slowly turned around though I'm pretty sure that I'm already late. "What's up? Usually you never doze off in my class? Is something going on? Not getting enough sleep or something?" He asked worriedly. "You're one of my top best performing students. Just asking ya know?" He cocked his head to the side. "Yea just a lil distracted but nothing too serious." I said nervously laughing, not making it too obvious though.

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