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Hi there.


Its Monday already and before I know it my phone is blowing up as early as it is. I rub my eyes quickly to see who it was.

J: good morning Syd.

J: its Monday! And I'm pretty sure u know wat dat means 😁 its the first day of our renewed friendship.

J: anyways, I have a surprise for you🧚🏽‍♀get dressed and come outside before 7:15

I huff and close my eyes as I remember our bet we agreed on last weekend.

I get up after a good 5 minutes of being on my phone to freshen up.

I check the time again after going downstairs and its 7:34 already and I quickly get a apple from the fridge before leaving.
"Alright I'm leaving!!" I yelled to make sure my parents know I was leaving. Before I could even step out all I heard was a loud honk and a big smile plastered on Jasmine's face.

I face palmed myself and I almost turned back around to go back inside.

I don't even know why I agreed to this when I know my bus comes for 8 and yet here I am.

"Good mornnninnngggg Syd!!! Come on get in." She yelled with a stupid grin.

I dragged my feet across the grass and forced a fake smile when I get in her car.
And of course she still has this stupid smile on her face that I had a urge to smack off.


"What do you mean so? Why are We even here? This is Way before the time I have to get up for the bus too I hope you know that. "
She smirked then let out a small chuckle. "Of course I do, I used to stalk you remember? But that's old now.. and by the way, being nicer would make this easier for you, I enjoy your angriness I think its cute, so I don't Care." She shrugged off while looking at me.

I squint my eyes up at her and decide not to even comment on it. Soon after she begins driving. After a minute I realized that we're not even going to school.

Where the hell are we going??" I said alarmed. She continued looking at the road while driving and simply said "to eat breakfast of course."

I huffed looking out the window. Maybe If I just try to force myself to being nicer maybe this would be easier, maybe she's right, but she doesn't need to know that. Plus i am hungry anyways.

After a few minutes of being caught up in my head we pull up to a small café called "Mocha Avenue"

My eyes widened. She noticed and smiled.

Of course she would bring me to my favorite cafe.

"I knew you would like my surprise. See I'm not so bad." She hummed while getting out and I shortly get out afterwards.

"Just because we're getting breakfast doesn't mean I'll give in so easily."

"You're so feisty, I swear."

"I know."


After about 20 minutes of eating and small talk we walk out and head to school.
The ride to school was quiet but comforting. Nothing needed to be said, I guess.

Once We pulled up and entered the school, we waived each other off and parted ways, "See you after school?" She asked. "Why?"
"Oh um I was just asking." "Well.. do you mind if Mya tag along then?"

She muttered something along the words of wanting it to be just me and her.

"Sounds fine with me." She nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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