𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐓, lost and found

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A Newt x Reader Oneshot

SUMMARY: Based off the prompts, "Can I stay here tonight?" + "You're safe now, I'm here

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SUMMARY: Based off the prompts, "Can I stay here tonight?" + "You're safe now, I'm here." + "I love you." and "You shouldn't"

WARNING(S): Mention of blood and needles (728 words)

WARNING(S): Mention of blood and needles (728 words)

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The WICKED facility was large and heavily guarded. There were at least two every few meters meaning simply walking in would be impossible. Luckily, Newt and Thomas, with the help of Theresa, were able to come up with a plan to sneak inside.

The plan was simple really. Act as normal as possible while pretending to be guards and follow Theresa. No talking and defiantly no wandering. When Theresa arrived at the room where you and Minho were staying she would come up with a distraction while Newt and Thomas saved you and Minho. The plan went smoothly until he walked by a lavatory wiht large glass windows. Inside he saw you strapped to the seat as you tried to wrestle the nurses who were trying to inject something into you.

"Can't I just stay in my room? Why do I have to be here tonight?" He heard you say. The nurse who was holding the needle said something and called for assistance. Your scream was the last thing he heard before all hell broke lose and he smashed the glass window, scaring the nurses and other WICKED workers around them in the process. Thomas and Theresa attempted to prevent any of them form getting close to Newt as he fought off the nurses and guards who were in the room.

With a gun pointed to the last guards head, he quickly aimed it so that it would knock them out so he could get to you who seemed to be in a daze. He felt his heart ache at the sight.

"Newt?" You mumbled softly, as if unsure of whether it was actually him or not.

What the hell have they been doing to you?

"It's me love. You're safe now, I'm here." He said as he cut the leather straps around your wrist and ankles. A sigh of relief escaped both your lips as he pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you. He didn't know if his heart was racing due to him fighting of the guards or from the fact that you were here.

"I've got Minho, let's go." The two of you heard Thomas say. Pulling apart, you both looked up to see a slightly dazed looking Minho standing beisde Thomas. Theresa was no where to be seen.

The four of you ran down the long halls. The multiple twists and turns of the facility made it seem like maze. You shivered at the thought of being anywhere similar to the maze back in the Glade.

After many twists and turns, the four of you managed to hide inside a empty meeting room. Minho held you as the other two pushed tables up agaisnt the door. "You're alright love, we're going to be alright." Minho whispered as he stroked your hair reassuringly.

The next few moments seemed to go by in a blur. One moment the four of you wondering where the hell you'd go now that ratman was cutting down the door and the next, you were jumping out the window and landing into the water below. The moment allowed you all a brief moment of calm before three guards ran up towards you with guns pointed towards you all. Not sure what would happen in the next few moments, none of you had expected for one of them to be Gally and save you all.

"(Y/N), go with Minho and Gally. Brenda has the serum, it can cure him. Go, now!" Thomas shouted as you all hid behind a garden bed.

It all seemed to go by in a blur. One moment he was fine, he looked fine but then he started looking like one of them. The Cranks, those infected with teh Flare. he was infected.

"Newt, hey it's me. I'm gonna be alright okay? You're going to be fine, just hold on for a little longer." You told him and despite the blood and blue veins on his face, he managed to force a smile as he brushed a stray strand of hair away from your face.

"I love you." You told him softly.

"You shouldn't." He replied but before you could say anything else, Minho and Gally were pulling you back up onto your feet. With once last glance towards Newt, you hoped that there'd be enough time to save him as you all ran towards the Berg.

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