Chapter 1: The forest

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And we start off with happy emotions. . . Than Violence eventually.

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Holding the dart gun steady, I stared down into the seemingly empty forest below my perch in the tree.

I couldn't really smell anything over the paste I had put over my scent glands, It hides my scent, But it also hides other scents from me.

It's okay, It's okay, Just breath, And concentrate, You have other senses. . .

Looking around, I searched the forest floor for any signs of movement.

I can't mess this up. . .

Today was the day, The day I finally get my role in our tribe.

Kids weren't allowed to have a role until they reach eighteen, Until than they are just expected to try and find what they were best at.

I had known from the first day that I saw one of the Frogs fighting that I wanted to be one of them.

I wanted to fight, To protect my people from the dangers of the world, I was tough, I could easily handle such a task.

Sadly though, Fighting never really came easily to me.

I had always had a knack for healing, I didn't know shit about herbs, But I was very good at guessing what should be used for what as well what to do for different wounds.

Thing is, I didn't want to become a healer, Due to that, I have hid my talent and instead forced myself to try and become a Frog.

Just gotta conce-

A gentle tap on my shoulder made me jump.

The only thing keeping me from falling from the tree was a hand.

Looking back, I saw one of the Frogs carefully holding my arm, Keeping e safely in the tree.

''I failed didn't I?'' I guessed, My voice disappointed.

The Frog gave me a sympathetic smile, ''Yeah, You didn't even notice me approaching you'' He explained, Tugging me back up securely into the tree.

Sighing, I sat down on the branch, Burying my face sadly into my hands.

The taller Frog sat down beside me, Gently patting me on my back.

''Sorry Theo, You might just be not cut out for this'' He said, Clearly feeling bad for me.

''I know. . . I just want to be like you guys. . .'' I answered back, Hanging my head slightly as the disappointment washed over me.

''Hey now, Don't give up on your dream just yet, Maybe you just need more training?'' The Frog offered, Trying to cheer me up.

I gave him a small smile, ''Maybe you're right. . . You guys just make it look so easy. . .'' I said, Leaning back so I was laying across the thick and sturdy tree branch we were both sitting on.

Our tribe lived deep in a jungle surrounded on all sides by harsh unforgiving plains.

Inside the forest was an abundance of life however, The ground was just perfect for so many plants to grow.

High up in the sturdy trees, We had built our own little tree top city, Our homes were built around the trees in a way so that as the trees grew our buildings would move accordingly to not hinder the very things we built off of.

Not a night went by when we all didn't fall asleep to actual frogs singing as birds and bugs joined in on a wild song.

In other words, It was home. Every thing about it was home.

''We weren't always so good'' The Frog beside me, Catching my attention again.

''Oh? You say that as if you've had personal experience'' I pointed out, The possibility of getting a story out of this fighter being far too good to pass up.

 He chuckled, Looking up at the overlapping 'roof' of leaves above.

''On my first day I got so nervous I ended up inhaling one of our darts'' He said sheepishly.

My eyes widened, A small disbelieving laugh escaping me, ''How did you do that?'' I asked, Looking over at the man who was partly responsible for protecting our tribe.

''I kinda forgot the fact you were supposed to inhale before putting your mouth over the dart gun'' He chuckled out before grimacing slightly, ''That's as much as I remember, Next thing I knew I was in the healer's house''.

A small huffed laugh escaped me, ''Wow, Why are you telling me this? I'd hide something like that as deeply as I could if it ever happened to me'' I said.

He grinned down at me, The plant colored paint on his face wrinkling slightly at his smile.

''I'm telling you this to let you know everyone has a bad first day, You just gotta do your best, Train on what you have trouble with and keep trying'' He said, His hand moving to my shoulder to give it a reassuring squeeze, ''You only fail when you give up'' He said before getting up, Returning to our tree top town.

Looking down at the blow dart gun I had been holding this whole time I felt a resolute feeling bloom in my chest.

Right. I'll keep trying until I get this down. . . But maybe I'll wait until morning. . .

Looking up, I could see the light filtering in through the leaf canopy darkening as night approached.

Getting up, I shifted into my second form, My black edged grey wings spreading out as I glided from branch to branch, Making my way home.

---- Time skip ----

I stood over a hot bubbling pot of stew, My face feeling burning hot from all the steam.

''Supper's almost done!'' I called back to my mom.

She was behind me at the counter, Preparing salads and a few side dishes.

''Thanks so much for helping sweetie'' She said as she moved over to stand next to me, Snagging a bit of the very hot soup with a spoon.

''Ow! hot! Hot!'' She squeaked out quietly as she fanned at her mouth, Trying to cool down the bite of soup.

I looked back at her as she finally managed to swallow the hot soup, ''Worth it'' She whispered before going back to cooking as I snickered quietly.

With a smile on my face, I put out the cooking fire, Carrying the pot over to the table.

''Oh! Mom, Where is the apple jui-'' I started to ask before a siren sounded through out the forest.

An attack!?

Mom and I exchanged panicked looked before we both hurried to the toddler's room, My heart raced in my chest as I scooped up my frightened little sister.

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And here we go, Like I promised, A Mpreg book, Any guesses what's gonna happen during the attack?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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