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Hello. Welcome to the Virgil Sanders religion. Here, we worship the infamous Virgil Sanders, the absolute king of all the Sanders Sides characters.

Here, I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into this religion. We just have some rules before we begin out lesson.

1. Instead of saying "oh my God," you shall say "thank Virgil's smirk and bangs!"

2. Every day, if you don't feel like doing somethings, do not apologize to Virgil, simply state that you are "too emotionally unstable for duty."

3. Instead of saying "amen" at the end of our prayers we say "awww we think you're hot."

Follow these rules and continue to be apart of this religion. Failure to confide to these rules, results in banishment of the religion. That is all. You may continue reading the bible of the Virgil Sanders religion.

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