Tomboy (Arvin x Reaster! Reader)

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Arvin panted hard, his hand trembling as he held the gun aimed at the now lifeless preacher on the floor of the church. His heart was beating rapidly and he felt his hairs stand on end. Adrenaline still pumping in his veins.

He had just shot Preston, shot him dead.

Good. That son of a bitch deserved it. 

Movement caught his eye and Arvin aimed his Luger in the direction of the movement, landing it on a familiar being that had sat up from the front pew.

She raised her hands up in defense.

"Don' shoot!"

Ah yes. _____ Reaster. Older sister of Pamela Reaster, the sister of the young girl who was having a secret fling with Preston. Her older sister was known to be a hard ass and a bit of a, ahem, lesbian. She wore denim jeans and jacket, a shirt tucked in and boots. Much like Arvin, she always wore a denim jacket. This made her look the part of a the town faggot.

At least that's what people said.

"The hell you doin' 'ere?" Arvin asked, quickly lowering his gun. ______ stood to her feet and looked down at the now dead preacher.

Arvin had shot him at point blank in the head. A bullseye, he'd call it.

"I was gonna have him take me to the spot he took my lil' sister.." ______ explained, reaching into her back pocket and showing Arvin she hid a gun.

A Smith Wesson .22 Magnum.

Arvin eyed the gun before gazing back up at her. She looked around before walking over to him, nudging him.

"Clean up your mess, we gotta go."


"You can' expect to keep living' 'ere after murderin' the preacher." ______ walked towards the church doors and peered out. "You walked here?" She asked when she didn't spot his car. Arvin nodded, kneeling down and picking up the shells of the bullets that were fired. They were hot, but he quickly out them in his pocket before standing to his feet. He looked at the preacher one more time before making his way towards ______.

"You head back home. We'll split up at the fork in the road and we'll pretend we never saw each other." Arvin stated, making sure that no one was near by when they fled. _____ scoffed.

"I can' go back. Not after what just happened." She said, exiting the church and walking down the steps. Arvin was quick to follow her.

"What'chu mean?"

"My sister... She knew I was comin' 'ere to 'have a word' with Teagardin.  I knew when I walked into that church, I was leavin' my whole life behind.' ______ explained, glancing over at Arvin. "Even if it wasn' me who killed 'em, I'll surely be suspected."

There was a moment of silence between them. The only sound being the gravel under their boots.

Arvin didn't know ______. He knew of her. And he knew enough of her to know that she was planning on leaving Coal Creek anyway. It just so happened that the preacher was merely an errand.

It was clear that they both had the same idea when it came to Teagardin.

_____ must have found out about his involvement with her sister. She didn't take too kindly to that.

But he beat her to it.

"Where are you gonna go?" Arvin asked, breaking the silence.

"I don' know yet. Ohio. Georgia. Shit, I hadn' decided." She chuckled, running a hand through her hair. "What about you?"

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