Chapter 5 ☆ ~('▽^人)

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Midoriya averted his eyes all too easily as a character without a nose walked mindlessly through the store, it was obviously the main character of a boys love anime. 

It's easy to tell most of the time, it truly, painfully is. A petite figure, short hair, insecure some way or another, doesn't know they're gay yet, has an 87-89% chance of being a virgin. 

Those, however, are just the bottoms. Tops are harder to spot due to the fact that they are some of the highest stereotyped figures. Though stereotyped figures themselves are never that hard to decipher, the bad guy with a good heart, the nerd with a traumatic story, the popular dude with a secret obsession, the overpowered hero with too much compassion. 

Midoriya sighed and began walking towards those strange middle isles (where the actual goods are kept, the ones the protagonists fall into are props) as a girl with a small (as in small with a line for a nose)head walked past with an also small-headed male. School uniforms, probably 'bumped' into each other or are walking to the girl's house for a project of dinner. 

It's a simple trick all background characters can do. They can tell what type of anime a person comes from based on their design. 

They all guessed that this was because either that's the only design style or that the Creator's always lumped the series together in a craze for the genre and stole each other's animation style in the process.

Midoriay moved, again, to make room for a busty character with long colored hair. 

Fanservice, Midoriya thought, a bit irritated. He had a right to be, fanservice characters often acted as if there was no one else around, and given the size of the city, that is rarely true. 

As a character with black colored hair moved to the meat rack Midoriya left the store without buying his groceries, he would just make do with what he had at home. 

Even background characters got frustrated, but there were some whose only job was to always be angry. They were the ones that yelled at protagonists, voted people out, viewed a 'disturbing' scene, rioted, and anything else that required anger to make the plot move along.  

There were also the characters whose job was to cry at proper times, whether acting as unknown relatives, seeing a car crash, hearing a declaration or hate or love, their job was to cry. 

Another's job was to laugh, to drink beer, to hold out animals, because they always looked the same. Always acted the same or always sounded the same. 


The Creator's never game them flare, even for background characters, so they grouped together. 

Midoriya stopped his internal ramble and unlocked his door, sometimes he thought about getting a dog before banishing the idea, a dog would make noise or draw people over or make his house noticeable, he wasn't the right background character for a dog, his neighbor had one, and that would undoubtedly lead to a romance type anime named something like 'To Walk With You', 'Puppy Love', 'Hey, I Was Wondering Where You Bought That Leash?', 'When I Used To Jog With You', or anything like that.

He opened his fridge and stared at the contents inside, his fridge was fuller than he thought. 

Not good, if I have too much food I'll have to give it away, creating bonds, memories, or expectations. 

Midoriya got out the ingredients for a light salad and began to chop. 

Did he remember to leave the bedroom and bathroom shutters closed? 

It would be a pain if he went upstairs and saw someone passed out on his bed or heard someone drop 'stealthily' into his bathroom. 

His knife stopped just before it hit the edge of his thumb, background characters can't look harmed, it draws attention. They're also unless they're in a facility of some type, not supposed to show illness, mental defects, or birth and physical defects. Background characters look perfect. It's a reason why they help to be so easily forgotten. 

Who will look at the person on the side when a man with one leg is walking through the crowd?

Even a small bandaid could spell attention. Oversensitive characters aren't far and few in between.

Video game style background characters have it lucky, they're either all 'dead' or are in a society where being hurt is normal. 

Midoriya throws the materials into a bowl and pours himself a glass of wine. He'll treat himself tonight. 

He shouldn't do it often, it'll lead to talent or addiction, both of which are bad.

He sighed. A second glass should be enough for relief but not drunken relief. Drunk people get sloppy if they weren't made to be drunk. Midoriya was not made to be drunk.

He finishes the salad and sets the bowl in the sink, just this one night he will be lazy, he has all day tomorrow. 

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