Chapter 2: Training

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"So how many quirks have you obtained in your lifetime? I'm sure you must have plenty in your arsenal." All Might questioned, as the two of them walked down to the trash filled beach.

Municipal beach. It used to be quite the tourist attraction until companies started dumping their garbage here illegally. Now the coastline was filled with huge piles of garbage and old appliances.

"Just the smoke quirk. Laws are in place that stopped me from copying other people's quirks... Plus I got bullied for it a lot." Izuku responded as he exhaled a puff of smoke from his cigarette. All Might sweat dropped, that meant they only had smoke to work with.

"Well, you seem plenty fit on your own. Luckily I was able to create a workout regimen with your body type in mind. It even includes your eating and sleep habits. You might even be able to knock out the training in a few month's time, which gives us more time to perfect that smoke quirk of yours, and- COULD YOU STOP BLOWING SMOKE IN MY FACE!?" All Might explained, before getting cut off by Izuku blowing out a puff of smoke in the man's face.

Izuku chuckled and apologized before looking over the paper that held his workout regimen. It was well formulated, and might even make him more agile than he is now.

The boy did have a good figure. He obtained it through the constant cardio he'd have to go through from running away from thugs, and parkouring around the rooftops of Shizuoka. If anything, him having such a good figure was something he was proud of.

'Alright, let's see here... Push-ups, sit-ups, and plenty of juice. Perfect... Oooo, and there's even some calisthenics!' The boy thought while skimming over the plan. All Might noticed the small smirk that appeared on the boy's face.

"Leave it to the number one to know how to workout! I'll do my best, sir!" He exclaimed, amazement laced in his voice. All Might smiled, and pointed off into the sunrise. "By the end of this month, I believe you can clear this coast, Young Midoriya. And when you finish you will be the perfect vessel for One For All!"

All Might then turned and pointed to Izuku, "This is your last chance to back out if you're unsure, so I'll ask you again. Do you think you're up to the task to inherit my quirk, my boy?"

Izuku nodded, "Yes, sir! I won't let you down!" He exclaimed. All Might smiled at the boy's determination. All Might then pointed to the piles of garbage.

"Good. Now get lifting." He stated, causing Izuku's face to pale. Was he serious right now? The boy peered over to the mountainous heeps of garbage that laid before him. He turned back over to All Might and gave him a look of questioning.

Was he really serious about this? Some of these things weighed nearly as much as All Might and he expected him, Izuku Midoriya, to lift up all of these appliances and do what with them? Carry them elsewhere? Where was he supposed to put all of this stuff?

Izuku's face turned to one of fear of what's to come, maybe he had misheard the hero? Right? RIGHT!?

"C-Could you repeat that?"

Izuku laid, sprawled out in the sand. He was gasping for air, and his arms were hurting from lifting all that garbage to and fro. He admired All Might, but god damn was he an intense personal trainer.

"I guess... I'm not as tough as I thought..." The boy said in between breaths. Then a large shadowy figure loomed over him; it was All Might in his muscle form.

"It may be tough, but you did good today, kid! You'll be making steady progress in no time!" He encouraged, causing the greenette to chuckle. This guy was the epitome of hard work and dedication.

"You've got it, sir!" He said, raising a shaky fist into the air. "Now could you help me up? I can't get up on my own..."

All Might yanked the boy up to his feet with ease, and Izuku had trouble regaining his balance. He was able to stand eventually, and soon pulled out his phone as he noticed that the sun was setting.

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