Well Hi there!

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Hello!! *waves excitedly

This couch potato has finally decided to help other wattpadians find their favourite books among all others. I know how hard it is to find a really damn good book with good grammer and plots.

I experienced it, I know it very well.

So here I am, writing a book where you can find every other good books I've read till now. I've been in wattpad for 3 to 4 years and in this time, I've read countless books, that I even forgot the names of some.

The struggles I went through to find a book that suits my mood and catches my attention fast. *sighs

*hands a cookie and brownie

So let's get started!

This is kinda mandatory I guess, so just bear with me and you can skip it:

None of these books belong to me. I am just advertising and promoting these books for the author because I love their books and want those books to be more appreciated.

- Love Muba

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