Chapter 19: Gentle

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(Unknown art)
      You smiled as you pulled away. Only to blush at how Satoru started to grind himself under you. "Mmm Fairy, as much as I want to toy with you right here. I don't think getting sand and salt in those wounds is good for you." Satoru stood up grunting with how stiff he felt. Especially with your warm center pinned to his aching need. He smiled as he stroked your cheek. "It would be to hard on you trust me. I'm not going there today. I'll be patient for now."
      You' smiled as you tried not to flench being set back down on your chair. "The sea water does sting." You leaned back in the chair. Head flipped back you could see something in the brush line. "Satoru.." Satoru was already sighing, seeing it too.
      "You saw them too did you? What am I going to do with you. You did save the kids by freaking them out. How dare you show outward affection for your boyfriend." He kissed your cheek as you blushed.
     "Then your openly admitting it?" You looked up at him as he squared his shoulders.
      Satoru ruffled your hair. "For the princess of blessings and child of curses? Mmmm yes your my woman, which means your my girlfriend. Maybe they would be less inclined to come after you. The humans are deadly afraid after the stunt you pulled. Curse energy being neutralized and you still pulled that off. They want you dead or to stay contained. If they left you to me then it wouldn't be a problem would it Sweettart." Satoru winked as he pushed up his sunglasses. "Time to show off for my girl."
      "You mean I get to take a nap while you handle it." You chuckled softly as Satoru smiled and vanished. "Some day he's going to have to teach me how to do that." You turned your head hearing screaming from a crowd. As they ran down the beach.
      "Help! There are explosions hitting the beach!" You blinked down at a little girl who had grabbed your foot. "Lady we need to run!"
     You nodded as you moved towards her. Before you hissed eyes narrowing as a new form took over. Well new to others not to you. A massive shield formed and landed on the sand before you. It was tethered by chains to your body as the homey badger ears flicked on your head beside your horns. The body marking appearing over your skin along with a thin shield layer.
       All fear along with pain leaving your body as you held the shaking child. A blast from the sea hit the shield as many ran behind it. The power was deflected back towards its master far stronger then it had been before. "Run sweety don't lose your mother I'll be alright." You looked down and smiled at her as you stood up.
     The girl nodded and fled to her mother as you walked. Dispite how your body tried to protest, you couldn't feel it at all. You pulled the shield back with a flick of your arm. Only to grab the handle with your hand as it returned back to you. Weightless to you but it sank deep in the sand as you stood by it. Setting it on the sand. The shield had crushed full cars on its own before. This form one you often used in turf wars for you parents. Well the people you considered your parents anyway.
      "Seems you haven't learned your lesson." Whoever was sending out the curse blast sent it again. You wear about to deflect it backwards when a man jumped out to your side. He looked far more like a mafia member then a curse user. Sure enough though his curse energy was evident as he tried to swing at you with a staff.
     You yawned as you used the shield on your arm and swing it at the man. Breaking the staff even with its curse energy and slamming it into his ribs. Leaving a sever laceration across his core. Even with the shield itself being blunt. Before smacking the blast upwards like a baseball tossed towards you. "Your ruining my vacation with my loved ones. I hope your prepared to die for it. Oops... was I to late on that call?"
      You walked over haven't not even noticed your bullet wounds blooding. Kneeling down and took the mans pulse. He let out a grone as he lay flat out on his back.
       "Awww your still alive. Then no... I was right." Swinging the shield over your head as another blast fired in your direction. Using a hand to stop the blast from hitting anyone else. Absorbing it as the thin barrier around your body rippled. "That tickled." Looking down at your hand you sighed a little. "Mmmm maybe not so much."
      You through the shield as it blocked the next blast only to look up as you pulled it back. Holding it over your head as something landed on it. "Fairy... seems I got a bit distracted."
You watched a colored light get fired into the distance. Before whatever was in the sea exploded causing the waters to rise up in a gaint tower of its own. "Are the kids alright?" You kept holding the shield up until Satoru hopped down.
"Oh they are struggling to handle the weaker one. But it's a good lesson for them. It isn't even a special grade. Well it is but they can handle it by now. Especially after their little joint event." He wrapped an arm around you. "Can you drop that form now?" Completely ignoring the man on the ground.
"Mmm I told you this one was complicated. I'm not sure I can just like that. Usually I have to be in a super safe place. I don't know if I would hurt anyone else if they came at me like this. Though it's maybe a bit more aggressive then dragon sometimes and less in others." You leaned into Satoru tilting your head as you sniffed him.
"Why are you smelling me?" Satoru chuckled as he cupped your cheek earning him a growl as you looked up and narrowed eyes. He didn't stop though he kissed you on the lips softly. That seemed enough to calm the honey badger.
"Make sure you weren't hurt dummy. Ouch.." you nearly feel as you clung onto Satoru. He scooped you up and nuzzled a kiss to your neck. Earning him a little squeal as you looked up at him blushing. The form dropped on its own.
"Fairy, you shouldn't have had to do that. Protect the people. I screwed up, or did I?" Satoru grinned as he looked at you a little closer. "Your hand. You burned it."
You looked down at it and laughed a little. "Oh... ya I did. I took a direct attack instead of flinging it back with people in the way."
"That form makes you lose your brains. You might be a tank but you can't take every attack. Only I get to do that." He's tone scolding but you looked up at him and puffed your cheeks out.
"Says you who let it happen because you couldn't hold back curiosity."
"True but if you want I'll let you ride me in return." Satoru grinned wiggling his eyebrows behind his glasses. As he picked up the basket of  things with ease while holding you. "Well let's at least drop the children off the treats. They seem to be about done."
"How can you see that far with out a beast form?" You mumbled as your butterfly wings sprouted from your back. Just as Satoru moved the next instant you wear near the kids. Watching as they finished off the last curse.
"Magic." He joked before lifting up the basket. "Yo! Good job. Here's some taste goods for your hard work."
You smiled a little as you looked at your leg. It was healing now. You wondered why. "If your hurt come here before I run out of dust."
They gathered around the dust healing the scraps and cuts they got. Satoru watched your leg too. Pulling the bandage off. "Seems your body finished breaking down the bullet materials, or is that something to do with the other form. I found this in the sand." He grinned it was a metal chunk matching ones stuck in your bandages. "Seems the barrier protects you from even things that are hurting you inside."
You tilted your head. "I guess so." You turned to the kids as they took the basket. "Anyway I know we would give them to you anyway. But I'm sure they will taste much better now after that."
"Shitty Gojo you where going to give these to us anyway. What the hell." Kugisaki grinned anyway taking it as they opened it. "Whoo there's more in here then I thought."
"Of corse because this one time. I'm giving you our snacks too. I've got better things to eat. So I'm going back to relax. Don't stay out to long or you will turn into bacon." Satoru spun on his hell's as the thick minded of the kids looked confused while the quick witted nearly choked on their drinks.
You waved a little as he walked you towards the hot spring resort you all had rooms at. The rooms where modern though they wear decorated to seem traditional. "No vanishing trick this time?"
"Nope I want to save my strength so I can play with you. Since your my snack now."
"Satoru!" You blushed as you held on to him. "Unbelievable."
"Hey we rented the entire resort. It's safe to do whatever I want. Right now I'm pent up. So time to relax and play my way." He smirked a little before you both stood on the top floor balcony.
"You cheated." You laughed as he opened the door.
"Hush or I'll do what I want right away if your willing. But I would rather actually have some fun with you first." Satoru set you down on the bed. "First strip would you. I want to make sure your wounds are alright."
"You first! Your covered in sand." You laughed as you brushed off his clothes. "I'm only wearing a bathing suit after all."
"That's right you are." Satoru smiled as he pulled the string holding your top up. "But I'm serious about this. I don't want to hurt you Fairy."
You blushed as you shifted letting the top fall eventually. Reaching behind you and pulling the other string. "I... alright." You said softly as you turned pink Satoru helping you unwrap the bandages.
You tried not to pant when his hands wear on you. Tracing the bullet scars, along with the sides of your body. Caressing you as he leaned forward and pressed his forehead onto yours. "Your perfect."
You nuzzled your face into his, butterfly wings still flapping as you burned with joy. "No, your over exaggerating. Your the perfect one."
"We both know that's a joke." His hand sliding down your back as he pulled you closer to him. "Mmm want to finish what you started in the surf?"
"Yes." You huffed as you pulled the jacket off him. Rolling him over on the bed. "Your cleaning the sand off the bed then." You smiled as you looked down at him. Your hair swaying with your movement.
"Mmmm alright, but I'm still going to be gentle with you. Just in case, I love you. I don't want to break you Fairy not like that." He smiled a little as he reached up cupping your cheek. Making you blush as he rolled you back under him. He pinned your hands over you head as he leaned down pulling his glasses off and tossing them onto the table. "I want to break you with pleasure not pain." He smirked as his eyes narrowed lovingly. Making you squirm below him. Damn it, he had your heart in his hands and he knew it.

Infinite (Satoru Gojo x Reader/Oc)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن