Chapter 10: Inner Dragon

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"You failed." It said from the darkness. This time you could see more of it. The dragon itself inside of you.
"No we failed. We are the same damn person." You said as you felt yourself drowning in the power again. Trying to accept it more then force it back.
"We are, but you split us off and broke us up. All of us."
"I'm trying! I'm trying to put us back together!" You growled as you felt like you wear starting to drown in sand again. Coughing as you looked at the dragon curled around you.
"Are you? Or are you just trying to use us!?"
"Why would I try to use us? We all want the same thing."
"Happy, love... warmth... safe." The dragon growled out as it moved in a flurry of scales to mirror your image with gold hair and scales and red eyes. "He's safe."
You knew instantly your whole being agreed on that. "He is, and we trust him with all of our hearts." Knowing that was true with out the dragon replaying. "Help me then, help me protect him and everything he loves."
     "Even ourselves." The other you nodded as you laced fingers together. Knowing that the door opened a little more towards all of the forms. From a crack to a foot in the door. Slowly you wear becoming yourself.
      Opening your eyes you laughed a little as everything was still dark. Though you felt the fabric on your face. The oxygen mask a cross your mouth and nose. You hissed trying to move you felt a hand in yours squeeze.
     "Don't. It's alright you know. To relax every once in a while little Fairy."
     "I don't want to relax like this." You said with a scratchy throat. "Is everyone alright?"
     "Yes everyone is fine. They have me here you really think something bad is going to happen while I'm sitting right here?" You could hear the eyebrow raise in his voice.
     "No." You said as you squeezed his hand. "Sorry I can't remember what happened before being in the box."
      "I know, infinite sight and knowledge and sometimes things slip through. Though I wasn't here at the time. Your blood, you left your power in it. Giving me a trail for a while." Satoru sounded proud.
      "Well, don't make me late for cooking again.... or do.. some time off sounds nice." You cracked a smile.
      "Your lucky we are the only ones here right now. I won't let anyone in right now. You weren't stable yet."
      "You mean physically, we both know it's a little shaky up top."
      You jumped a little as you felt something soft on your forehead. "Your perfect and don't you dare say other wise Fairy."
      You felt yourself turn pink as he removed the face mask and the blindfold. You reached up with your free hand and smiled at him. "Your so charming even with a blindfold on."
     "Be grateful I loned you it. Little Fairy." He smiled as he looked down at you wish soft eyes. "You know I've lost to many. Your not allowed to leave me too. You had a chat with the other side didn't you?you vitals shot up to normal. I bet those wounds are gone too now."
     "Yes... we agreed we would.. take care of you and your goals." You turned your face aww so that he couldn't see the embarrassment of admitting it yo him. It was more then just wanting his body or the fun of teasing him. You wear enjoying every minutes out got with him. It was all worth it.
     You blinked as he rolled your face to look back at him. "Your so shy sometimes. It makes me want to eat you up. Yours still sore though right? That accident.... it wasn't a pretty one. I was sure... sure you might have died in it."
      You smiled as you looked at him. "I can't die when I know I'm needed. It was my fault though. I helped cause it."
     He took your wrapped hand in his that pulled the seal off. "It's alright. The special older curses would have killed them anyway. They wear taking you to a higher up. I was worried I wouldn't make it in time."
     You sat up slowly with Satoru's help. Your eyes widened as the door flung open. The first years all three of them barging in. "You can't keep her to yourself for ever Gojo!" That was the brown haired short girl. Nobara Kugisaki. She was just as bad as Satoru about her snacks. "She can't just make snacks for just you!"
"I wouldn't dream of forgetting your snack time Kugisaki." You said as you half closed your eyes with a smile. Damn it Satoru was right, everything felt so heavy. You really must have been dying.
"Well you slept through three of them! But you always have stuff packed in case... so I didn't miss any." She looked at you worriedly noticing the shape you wear in. Luckily you wear wearing an over sized shirt. She narrowed her eyes around your neck though. "Are those hickies?"
You glared are Satoru as he looked at you with open love as he put his blindfold back on. "They are he said."
All three of the kids gagged at that. Fushiguro mumbled as he looked at you both. "No wonder you lost it when you find out she was taken."
"I though it was because she has that freely power. It's so cool! Wish mine was that cool!" Itadori pouted before smiling. "That's alright though! Um... so does this mean you are... you know."
"This stays between the three of you. If you tel anyone I'm string you up by your toes and beat you like a rug." Satoru was clearly half joking as he said it but his face sealed it in seriousness. The three nodded. "She doesn't remember anything that happened so don't drill her. She just pulled out of critical condition."
"You Sweets Goblin better give me a scarf so I can cover these." You narrowed your eyes at him. All that healing and your dragon half refused to heal the love bites.
"I'll think about it Fairy." Satoru snickered before grabbing something from a drawer. Oh... they had set up the manitors in your room. That's was good of them. He pulled a scarf out and carefully lifted you to wrap it around your neck. "No one else is really going to be coming here though. Nanami is busy investigating. Along with a few others, it's just us here."
You sighed in relief only to blink to long. When your eyes opened again the kids where all sitting down having listening to Satoru give them assignments for improving themselves. They noticed you move and stopped. You smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."
"Your fine we didn't want to leave you alone. Not with out the people who took you still out there." Itadori smiled big as he looked at you. Let out a cry as Satoru flicked him in the forehead. "Ouch!"
"I'm sorry you wear making to much since to be the real Itadori seemed I was wrong. Your the real thing alright."
You laughed a little as Satoru showed them all to go work on their techniques. Before getting up walking closer to your head. "Think you can get up? Or should I bring food to you?"
     You reached up letting him help you up out of the bed and stand. You tried to walk on your own to the bathroom and swayed. Only to have him fallow you in. "I... am going to shower thanks." You said as you looked back at Satoru almost to fast and nearly falling with it.
     "Not with out me your not." He laughed a little before wrapping your up in his arms. He ran a hand down the side of your face. Kissing you softly so your weak legs really turned to jelly. Him holding you up was all that kept you upright.
     "Mnnnn..." you moaned softly as you looked at him with blushed heat.
     "Your body is healed I can see it but your just tired. Shall we wake you up?" He smirked as you blushed harder yet.  Lord this man with his god complex was going to be the end of you.

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