Chapter 8: Anger Issues

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Bailey's POV

I woke up the next morning to my phone going off like crazy. 5 missed calls from Hallie, 2 missed calls from Alan, 4 missed calls from Connor, and 7 missed calls from Noah. Connor called me again and I really didn't want to answer it but I was getting a headache. 


"Have you looked at all the news lately? I've got people wanting to interview you about your tantrum last night."

"It wasn't a tantrum. Tyler needs to be put in his place. As far as my parents being there, they had it comin." I growled.

"You need to fix how you're acting. It's not working well for you. Also Kyle wants to see you as soon as possible at KBM."

"Fine. Are we done now?"

"Yes." He sighs. I looked at the text messages from everyone. A lot of it was asking me why I acted like a brat. Noah was asking me where I was. I didn't want to answer anyone, so I showered and dressed in baggy clothes. I knew if I didn't meet Kyle now I wouldn't be able to leave my house because of how much crying I have yet to do. I drove to KBM and walked into the room where my entire team sat. Everyone glared at me. 

"Yall are dismissed." I stood off to the side, watching everyone give me dirty looks. Kyle shut the door and sighed.

"What the hell was that?" He asks.

"If you were me, the way I acted was reasonable." I mumbled.

"I don't care about how you act. You did nothing wrong." He motions for me to sit down and he sits across from me. "You do know you have to prove yourself more than ever, right?" Kyle looks at me. I put my head down and nodded.

"I know."

"You're gonna be all over the news."

"I know. But he had it coming!"

"Sometimes we have to fight the fire burning inside." Kyle says.

"I don't know how."

"That's why we have Justin. But take the time you need to get back to being you. Just remember there are people who can help you."

"Thanks." I mumbled and stood up. He opened the door and let me leave. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I was almost ready to fit in with everyone else and my anger got the best of me. I drove home and laid in my bed, crying until I fell back asleep.


Day's have gone by and now I've got practice. I'm late getting to the track. Its only practice, not the actual race itself. I put on my fire suit and looked in the mirror of the bathroom. 

"You can do this. Who am I kidding? Everyone hates you." I looked away from the mirror and grabbed my helmet and gloves and walked straight for my car. I waited for Alan to stop talking to me. I looked down at my helmet, more importantly the checkered flag sticker next to my name.

"You get all that?" I looked up and him and nodded, then got into the car. I drove mindlessly around the track. Listening and repeating the same thing. I pulled back down pit road and killed the engine. 

"Someone wants to talk to you." Alan says over the radio.

"They can wait."

Noah's POV

"They can wait." Bailey's voice was harsh over the radio and the line went dead. 

"I am so worried about her." Alan says, looking at the newspaper in his hand. Bailey was on the front, the picture of her was her standing in front of her car that was destroyed in the garage and she was holding her helmet, looking completely defeated. A look that hasn't left her. Today was the first time I saw her since the last race. She disappears until it's time for practice, she's been getting thinner too. And knowing reporters when it comes to sports, they get everything twisted. Whoever wrote about her has her all wrong. They made her seem like she doesn't know what she's doing.

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