CHAPTER 11 - Past Friends aren't True friends

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"So...what's up?" Lefty asked genuinely curious but also having a feeling that it was going to be something related to his little blackout and meeting henry. Freddy's eye twitched and he crossed his arms before letting out a long tired sigh.

"What up, as you so elegantly put it, is what was going on between you and that man?" Lefty sighed in annoyance and rubbed the corner of his eye feeling tired all of the sudden.

"If I have to repeat myself one more time I am going to scream and I am not going to stop..." seeing Freddy's confused expression he decided that the other bear at least deserves an explanation, even a small one.

"Okay long story short, I was originally built by that man, Henry Emily, to find his daughter's souls and capture and retrieve her. However I broke away from my coding when I captured her and saw her memories and basically ran away from my creator to keep her safe" Freed's eyes furrowed and tilted his head a bit

"Why would you need to protect her from her father? Doesn't he want to keep her safe if he went through the trouble of making you" Lefty was glad that the brown bear took everything without too much trouble or question like Jon and Davis had because he wasn't ready for another interrogation.

"That is how it was supposed to be, but Henry's wife and Charlie's mother died a week after her birth due to complications from it so let's just say...he didn't...really like Charlie after that..." lefty watch in muted amusement when Freddy's mouth fell opened as he gaped at the black bear with shock in his blue eyes at the usually composed animatronic.

"Then why-?"
"It was because henry loved his wife a lot so I guess when she died he took out his hated on her but when charlie was also gone he apparently couldn't handle losing his last connection to his wife I guess" lefty shrugged not feeling like henry's action were at all justified towards a literal toddler. Lefty tried very hard not to grin when he saw the other's eye twitch in the sign of clear irritation and was happy he could get any emotion out of the brown bear that wasn't grief, or sadness as that was getting old really fast for him.

"I see..." He could see that the other rockstar really didn't understand but lefty was very grateful for the lack of question because if anybody tries to question him write he was actually going to scream just to annoy the other person.

"Yeah, you know how life is, we got some sentient animatronics here, a killer rabbit there, and a joker with a child literally inside him, you know that usual" Freddy let out a long suffering sigh but couldn't hide the light upwards tugging at the edge of his lips.

"Good to see you haven't become less of an annoyance."
"Yeah molten was telling me if I had to change he wanted me to become less of pain in his smooth metal butt but you know we can't all get what we wish for" Freddy suddenly turned serious and gave lefty a calculated look making the black bear blink.

"You know you don't have to change right? Even if molten complains, we both know he cares for you the way you are now" Lefty was startled by the sudden comment but smiled when he finally processed the words.

"Of course after all, who could resist my steller personality!" This time Freddy did smile even if it was a small one. "We should probably head back unless molten decide we have talk for to long and comes to muder you"

"That's fine I have gotten what I was curious about anyway" Lefty nodded letting out a small sigh of relief and nearly snorted when he molten was pacing while muttering under his breath.

"Hey Molten! We're back!" Molten looked up and scanned lefty before relaxing and glancing at the brown bear by his side.

"Good, since you're done I suppose you will be leaving correct?"

"Yes, Thank lefty I will see you later" Freddy gave a stiff jerk of a nod and walked out of the building.
"Molten...?" Lefty slowly asked when he watched his best friends interact with his once friend a thought rose in his mind.

"Yes lefty?"

"Why...why do you trust me so much?" Molten frowned with clear confusion in his mismatched eyes.

"Please further explain your question"

"I mean you knew Rockstar Freddy longer and you really trusted him but when he betrayed he betrayed your trust and you are no longer friends with him so why..." 'What makes me different' wasn't said but was clear to all to see. There was a long pause before the broken bear animatronic answered.

"...because you didn't try to change me..." Lefty blinked, not understanding. Molten saw this and muttered something about clueless idiots before speaking once again. "Freddy tried to change me to be like who he was before leaving me when he failed to change me again" molten swallowed with a distant look in his eyes. "You however never tried to change me the way you wanted, you accepted me and tried get to know me instead of putting you own beliefs on me and in that regard both Freddy and springtrap are the same thinking they can make people the way they think they should be" Something inside of lefty tighten before releasing inself and soften at molten's words. Molten said nothing more and lefty could see that he was tense and lefty didn't speak to him, just sat next to him and waited for his friend to collect himself. It took him 3 minutes before he released his tense human muscles and sighed. "I suppose that may have been a reason for me to forgive you but the actual one."


"I was angry at you sure but the thing is you never pretend to be something you are ot or even lied to me"

"But I did though-"

"No, you never lied because we never asked you, so just because you ever said anything doesn't mean you lied to me" molten ran his hand through his white orange hair as he tried to put his words together. "When you came back I was furious at you but them I saw your eyes and I saw that you didn't change you were still the same idiotic bear I have known and all you were doing was you just sharing something more about-"

"I think this is the most I have ever seen you talk without pause" lefty cringed and mentally face palmed himself the words he blurted out but was relieved when molten didn't become offended.

"Yeah...I guess it is..."

"Uhhh...sorry, my moth to brain filter isn't working that well at the moment"

"Is it because you don't have a brain to begin with?"

"Well that's just mean" Molten turned to the left with a raised eyebrow and a clearly confused face.

"What do you mean it is the truth, we are animatronic even if we have human forms in our real bodies we don't have organic matter, meaning no brains" Molten tilted his head "unless our computer and memory chips count as brains but then again i think yours still got damaged" Left burst out laughing only to choke and begin coughing instead.

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