Chapter 1

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       He came to me every night. A powerful dominance exuding from his muscular frame; a tempting silhouette. I never saw his face fully. Just his eyes, eyes that mirrored an animal ready to pounce. "Rae." He spoke my name like he owned me. Possessively and hoarse. It drew me to him like he was where I belonged. "What are you?" His lips curled upward as a low growl rumbled in his chest. "Your destiny."
     The dream always ends the same. The feeling of power, and a disturbing void that I can't seem to fill, lingering within me. And now that I've moved across the country, back to my mother's family home, I find this first night harder than I thought. 'It's probably just the move. Or I need to stop eating junk before bed.'
     Sweat coated my body, staining my sheets as my chest heaved hastily as I peered up at the ceiling in the dark. 'It always feels so real.' I lifted my arm, hissing at the heaviness still settled upon my body before I swipe my hand across my moist forehead, pushing my hair off my skin. I turned my head and reached for my phone to peer at the clock, groaning when I realized it's 3 am. 'Great. Not only do I get to move all the boxes later today, by myself, because my mom's so sick, she can't lift anything, I get to do it with no sleep too. She refused to hire movers.'
     I climbed out of bed carefully, trying to be quiet as I trudged down the hallway past my mom's room where I can hear her softly snoring, the old wood creaking beneath my feet as I descended the stairs. 'My mom's never talked about her hometown. I'm surprised we even moved back here. She always seemed like she was traumatized here. Although, right now we're strapped for cash because she's too sick to work and I'm doing my best I can but bills have been stacking up, and when my aunt died, this house was given to my mom, she really wasn't in a position to say no.'
     When I got to the kitchen, I dragged my fingers through my hair, wincing as they got stuck on my curls. I haven't had time to stock the kitchen or anything considering we both arrived here at 10 pm and it was too late to really start moving things in, but we both managed to throw some bottles of water and snacks in the fridge. 'I really need to cool down.' I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge, my eyes moving along the poorly illuminated back yard through the kitchen window above the sink. As I swallowed a cool gulp, it got stuck in my throat and I began coughing when I saw glowing eyed in the forest, pointed at my directions 'What the hell? Those look exactly like the eyes from my dream... I really must be loosing it.'
     I leaned forward, having a death grip on the bottle in my hand as I squinted to focus on them. Their glowing intensity made the hairs along my body stand up, and my heart began hammering in my chest. 'That can't be a person though...' I shook my head. Although the voice attached to the eyes in my dream was human like, they were the eyes of an animal. 'Probably something wild. A fox or something.' I shook my head again, taking another swig of water and when I turned my attention back to the woods, the eyes were gone, but the anxiousness remained. 'I miss home. I don't think this place will ever feel like home.'
     The next morning, while juggling heavy boxes out of the van, I got startled when I heard someone's voice behind me. "Need some help?" I spun around, the box unleveled in my grasp, as I moved my eyes to the stranger who just startled me. The box slipped from my grasp. He reached for it, but I frowned. "Uh, thanks but I can manage."
"You sure? Are you new to town?" I didn't know why I was so on edge, but after last night... I wasn't sure I felt comfortable here. I tightened my grip on the box and nodded slowly. "Yeah. We just got here last night." I narrowed my eyes as he nodded and placed his hand on his chest. "I'm sorry if I scared you. I'm Jaxon."
'Well, he seems like a nice guy. Now I feel bad.'
"I'm sorry for being short. Didn't sleep well last night. I'm Rae. This is actually my mother's hometown." I didn't understand why I felt alarmed, that I've relinquished that little fact, but there's no taking it back. His brows arched and a grin appeared on his boyish face as he nodded.
     "Oh wow. So what made her want to come back?"
'God... it could be anything. Mainly because she's sick, but I'm not sure diving into our family's business is a smart idea.'
"Actually, uh, I really have to get this stuff in. So I can't really talk."
'Lame and obvious. I'm not good at confrontation or being rude for that matter..' Jaxon rubbed the back of his neck, tension in his shoulders as he chuckled awkwardly. "Hey, I can take a hint. Not trying to bother ya. Just offering my help. I actually live down the road. My dad was friends with the woman who used to live here, Lillian."
'My aunt?'
"Really? That was my aunt." He nodded and crossed his arms over his chest. "Yeah. They were pretty close. It's a shame about her." I nodded, my uneasiness picking away the longer I talked to Jaxon. "Yeah. Guess it runs in the family."
'Shit... well it's too late now...'
"My moms sick." His face fell, a sympathetic furrow appeared on his brows as he offered his condolences to me. "Oh, I'm really sorry. That's pretty shitty."
"Yeah, you're telling me.."
"Honestly, I don't mind helping you. I assume your mom's too sick to help."
     I nodded, hating the fact that my once vibrant and active mother is now reduced to a pale, withering frame. She's always been my rock, so to see her go from someone so free, to so restricted by her physical ailments was completely heartbreaking. 'And the doctors don't know why... that's what hurts the most... She's slowly dying and they don't know how to help her. Only to reduce the amount of pain she's in. She's helpless and so am I.'
"Okay. Sure then."
"Good." He followed behind me with a box in his hands as I moved towards the front door. I was unsure as to where my mother was. Probably sleeping. I guess tired for Jaxon to put his box down in the kitchen. When I set mine down in the hallway near the bathroom, I turned around and yelled when I almost ran directly into his chest. 'I didn't even hear him.'
"Jeez you scared me."
"Sorry. Seems like a common theme with us."
'You're telling me.'
     I nodded and took a few steadying breathes. When he stepped back from me, I frowned at the picture frame in his hand. "Is this your mom?" He flipped it over and pointed to an old picture of my mom. She had to be no older than 25, with some guy I've never seen before. I frowned, reaching out for it. "What are you doing with that?"
'That's a little rude..'  He stared intensely down at the picture, and I swear I almost saw the color of his eyes darken, but it was gone in an instant, when he blinked and looked back at me. I took the frame out of his hands and frowned. "Sorry, I just saw it and thought your mom looked familiar."
"Familiar? How?" He didn't answer me, instead he spun on his heel and strutted back out of the house. I followed him, with my jaw clamped shut as questions filled my head. 'I hate that strangers seem to know more about my mother's past than I do. For all I know she could have enemies here or something... and I'm just letting them walk in.'
I knew my thoughts were ridiculous, fueled by the frustration of wanting to know in depth about where I came from. I suppressed my frustration and followed him back out to the truck. "So where are you working?"
"I actually haven't found a job yet. That was next on my list."
'If I can even manage one. And hopefully soon.'
"Why? Do you know of any?" He nodded. "I actually have a pretty good connection around here. I have a friend who's looking for someone to take care of his uncle."
"Oh really? What's the matter with him?"
"He's very ill. At this point it's just a waiting game. Would you be interested?"
'That's hitting a little close to home...'
"The pays good, and the schedule is flexible."
'But how can I turn that down...'
"That sounds nice."
'At least I'll have a job.'
"Some semblance of normal would be great." He laughed deeply, and nodded. "Don't worry about it. I could text you later with the address and time, and you could just roll over there and check it out."
"I don't even know what to say. I really appreciate that, Jaxon. You don't know how much this helps." Jaxon shrugged as he began carrying another box to my house. "I'm a nice guy.'
"Yes you are."
     The day flew by, and an hour of lugging in boxes with me, Jaxon left and promised to text me later, and the anticipation of things going smoothly for once was too much to handle. Later, after Jaxon texted me the address, I managed to drive to the outskirts of town where the house was. I nervously sauntered up to the door, smoothing my shirt before I lifted my hand to knock. 'It's okay to be nervous. The interview is always the worst part.'
His voice startled me because it didn't come from within the house but off to the side near the driveway. "Rae..."
'That voice.' I turned with wide eyes when I settled them on the friend Jaxon was talking about. 'Oh my god... it's him.'
"You." I blinked rapidly, aware that my jaw was on the floor as my eyes scanned his face. 'No. It can't be. I'm losing my damn mind. He's not the man from my dreams. Just a look alike...' He stalked towards me, so close his arm almost brushed my side as he unlocked the door and pushed it open. 'And a sound alike.' My nostrils flared as I took in his large, looming, muscular frame as he invaded the entire space of the door way. He turned around to meet my shocked expression. 'This, whole move is messing with my head.'
     He stared at me, his face impassive as he waited for me to elaborate. The only thing that differs from the man in my dreams is the eyes. His weren't glowing intensely. They were a dark, eclipsing brown. 'No. I'm just nervous.' He uttered my name again, firmer this time and it ripped me from my mental breakdown. "Rae. Jaxon said you'd be here." I managed to swallow the lump in my throat, aware that I needed to close my mouth, and offer a small smile to the man who was standing expectantly in front of me. Now that the stunned feeling began to slowly deteriorate, I was surprised by his blatant attractiveness. 'Wow. He's gorgeous.' I realized I haven't said anything for the past minute. I cleared my throat and chuckled awkwardly. "Sorry. I uh... yes. Jaxon told me to come here, said you needed help with someone. A relative."
He nodded and spun around stalking off into the house without giving me an invitation. I scurried after him, tucking strands of curls that loosened from my bun as I moved deeper into the house, the door slamming closed loudly behind me causing me to jump. 'Please tell me I'm not already blowing this. With what Jaxon said, this might be the best offer I get.'
"Again, I'm sorry." He nodded, and gestured with a head nod to the seat. "Sit."
'Oh god, he's mad.'
     I nodded, and moved to the couch where I settled on the seat, my palms clammy as I clasped my hands together. "I'm sorry, what was your name again?" He took a deep breath, flexing his fingers into fists as his eyes bored deep into my soul. The silence was suffocating. The longer it remained, I found my heart picking up pace and pounding in my rib cage. 'Yup. I already blew it. I've had the worst luck lately.'
I sat there quietly, almost convinced it'd be better to dart out of there, wen he finally spoke. "I'm sure Jaxon has explained what I've been looking for." I nodded, and began to open my mouth to speak when he cut me off and continued. "My uncle is in poor health... he's in need of some care. What are your credentials?"
'Jesus. If I'm being honest, nothing.'
"Oh well, um... I did some health care work in the old town we lived in. I'm very compassionate-"
"You're lying." The certainty of his accusation startled me. I blinked rapidly, flustered by his words as I attempted to regain my composure and appeared insulted by his insinuation despite the fact it was incredibly true. 'How the hell did he know that?'
"It's the way you present yourself. Your body..." He wrapped a meaty arm around his torso and cupped his chin as he narrowed his eyes and scrutinized me like I was an exhibit to be studied. I hated his probing gaze and the way it not only made me feel things I haven't felt in a long time, but how dominating it was. 'We are complete opposites. What the hell do I say now?'
"Look.... Mr-"
"My name is Luca."
'Never heard that name before.' His name replayed in my head, and the longer it bounced around in my skull, I began to feel heat stirring within me that traveled from my toes upwards to the delicate flower between my legs. "Luca..." I swore I heard a low growl after I uttered his name on my tongue, but I dismissed that thought. A man like him? Growling? It wasn't plausible. 'I might as well be truthful with him.'
"I have no real experience. I haven't worked in the healthcare field. I'm just a failed community college student who ended up dropping out a semester before graduation because my mother started getting sick."
'I don't know why I'm saying all of this. It's not like he's going to care.'
"Your mothers sickness, I would assume you've gained experience taking care of her, no?"
"Well, yes. She's still able to be independent somewhat, but I have helped her." He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his powerful thighs. "Advice? Lead with that next time. You get more from the truth than you do bullshitting people."
"Like you?"
'And, my feet are back in my mouth.'
     I expected anger from my outburst. A man like him didn't seem to be the type to take interruption too kindly, but instead of a malicious look in his eyes, I was met with a slight hint of amusement as the corner of his lip twitched upward. "Sorry."
"Don't apologize. When you speak something, own it. Yes, I'm blunt. I have to be."
'What does that mean.'
"I am the man of my family, therefore I can't cower because I'm afraid of hurting peoples feelings."
I fidgeted with the end of my shirt, hating how small I felt at the moment. "So, your mothers been sick?"
'Not a topic I'd love to dwell on.'
"How long?"
"I distinctly remember the first night. It was 11 pm, and she'd gotten up to go to the bathroom and collapsed on the floor and there was blood trickling out of her mouth. I couldn't wake her... no matter what I did, I couldn't wake her. Scariest moment of my life."
"I can imagine."
'D-did I just say that out loud?' I laughed awkwardly, and tucked some strands of hair behind my ear. I always fidgeted when I got nervous because I've always avoided awkward situations or conflict so my mind has found ways to distract me from them. "Look at me." I slowly lifted my gaze from the muscular legs to the thick rigged stature of his chest and arms to that face that was sharply attractive. Every time I looked at his face I felt a stab in my lungs and it was hard to breathe. 'I don't know whether I'm just overly attracted to the guy, or offended by him.' I swear I heard his voice on my head saying one word. 'Perfect.'
     He cleared his throat and my eyes moved to his throat as images of teeth flashed in my mind. I lifted my hand to my forehead, pressing it against it, hoping my behavior could be explained by a fever, but no fever. "What can I give you?"
"G-give me? What do you mean?"
'Is he talking about hours or pay? Because honestly, I just want to be able to support my mom.'
"I want to be able to take care of my mom. I'm the one who has to pay the bills. I just want to relieve that burden."
"I can provide you with a good amount of monetary compensation. Taking care of your mother won't be an issue."
'Is he rich?' He rose from his seat and nodded for me to follow him. "Come."
I pushed myself up into a standing position, and uncoordinatedly followed him out into the hall towards the stairs. I couldn't keep my eyes from the bulging muscles in his back as he began to climb the steps, and despite the alarm bells blaring obnoxiously in my skull, the yearning I felt in the pit of my gut reigned and I followed. 'Something's off about him.'
"Faster. I don't like to wait." I frowned, my grip tightening on the railing as he neared the top of the steps and took a sharp turn towards the first door. 'Incredibly bossy too.'                                               
Once I got into the room he entered, that's when the smell hit me. The smell of decay and sickness. My eyes searched the room, spotting the bed in the far corner and my face fell with horrified shock. 'He's in bad shape.'  I felt Luca's eyes on me as I moved deeper into the room but I didn't make eye contact with him. Regardless of the unsightly image in front of me, I couldn't peel my eyes from the old man bed ridden with pale, flaking skin, a sunken face and a greenish tint to him. "God... he almost looks dead."
"He's alive. It won't be too much longer though."
"What happened?" My raspy tone did little to mask the way the man's appearance unsettled me. Luca stiffened. "He was unsuccessful in his life. At the end of the day, that is what killed him." His words were firm. A promise uttered as if spoken aloud would solidify his word. I nodded slowly, unsure of how to react. I watched as he peered down at the man in the bed, and his jaw clenched, an overwhelming urge to confront him swarmed in my chest. "This must be hard for you..." I stepped forward, reaching for his arm to squeeze reassuringly like what has been done to me a million times by an array of different doctors regarding my mother.                                                   
When my hand made contact with his skin, a hot vibration in my hand made me hiss and pull my hand back. 'What the hell was that?'  I stared down at my hand with wide eyes. Luca was no longer looking at his relative, but was now intently staring at my face as he took a step towards me. I stepped backwards, aware of how my mind began to race and I found myself breathless again. "Don't look so alarmed, Rae. This is life. It is part of the problem with my bloodline. With what we are."
"What do you mean? Oh, like Italian or something?" He snickered, humored by what I said but I didn't understand what the amusement was about. His bloodline? As if he came from filthy genes of something. He stepped towards me again, and this time my feet didn't move regardless of how much I willed myself to take another step back. 'I'm just so intimidated by him. It's completely unnerving.' "You're gentle, you know..."
'That's quite an observation.'              
"Well, it helps when you're taking care of sick people."                                                                            
"It can also be a problem."                                        
My brows knitted forward as I frowned, offended by his words. As if my whole mannerism was something to be ashamed of. I've always been taught that you get more out of the world with kindness. "Excuse me?"
"With someone like me."
'As my employer?'
"Well, with all due respect, I'm your employee. I will adhere to your wishes." When a slow smile spread on his face, and I was flashed his white teeth, my tongue went dry and my face warmed. "Adhere to my wishes..."
     He scratched his chin contemplatively before he reached for mine, and I let him. 'This feels like such deja vu.' When his hand made contact with my chin, and his fingers gently grazed my jaw, I gasped when the electricity from his touch surged within me, and I felt my mind swarming with images. 'What is happening?' All I saw were teeth. My senses were invaded by the smell of the woods, and the sound of growls. I felt the yearning and desperation for someone, and when I was finally able to pry my eyes open after I shut them tightly, I realized that, that feeling was for the man standing before me. "What the hell was that?!" He pulled his grip away and I bit my lip to suppress the pout on my tongue. "You're hired." He spun on his heels, and began stalking off back towards the stairs. It took me a few minutes to collect myself. I took some deep steadying breathes as I slowly made my way back towards the stairs. Part of me believed I wouldn't find him at the bottom of them, waiting for me, but I felt his presence before I saw him. 'Like he's been waiting for me this entire time.. Like the man in my dreams.'
     When I got to the bottom steps and he stepped in front of me, his body firmly pressed against mine, his heat seeping into me until I felt my core burning with need. "Come back tonight. 10 pm." I didn't question why he wanted me so late. My answer was instantaneous, and submissive. "Yes, sir."
"Good." His eyes moved to my lips as I slowly moistened them with my tongue, and as I turned to leave my steps faltered. I caught myself, letting out a deep breath as I pulled the door open and began my walk back to my car. I didn't have to look back to know he was staring at me. I could feel his eyes resting on my back the entire way to my car. 'I wonder if he's always like that.'
     When I finally got back in my car, and began pulling away from his house, I heard his voice in my head again, but instead of the word 'perfect' his raspy tone formed something else. 'Mine.'

The AlphaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora