~~~~Time skip~~~~

For the throat, for, for the throat

Daddy chimed in, "go for the throat"

For the throat, for, for the throat

Daddy chimed in, "go for the throat"

(Class fight)

For the throat, for, for the throat

Daddy chimed in, "go for the throat"

For the throat, for, for the throat

Daddy chimed in, "go for the throat"

(Class fight)


I lead Koraq-Da to an empty room. I closed the door behind us and smiled a waiters smile. Southern Water tribe smiled back, "Hey man. You wanted to talk?" I nodded, still smiling sweetly. "Cool! So, uh, what d'you want to talk-?" He was cut off by my fist connecting with his face. I was taller then him and I towered over him. He suddenly paled as I punched his nose. Now blood was running out of his nose and his mouth. Koraq-Da covered his nose to stop the blood but kept his wide blue eyes on the usually peaceful nation of me.

"Ameke is mine, got it?" I growled. "Don't you dare tell her about this or there'll be trouble." He nodded, panicking a bit. I slapped him and sent him on his way. I followed closely to make sure he wasn't going to see Ameke. He did. I, myself, started to panic. I ran off and Ameke followed, clearly mad about me punching her boyfriend.

Her face was f*cked up and my hands were bloody

We were in the playground, things were getting muddy

The teacher broke us up after I broke her

And my one true love called me "a monster"

She cornered me in our shared room and started to go off on me about how much of a bully I was, how I was taking advantage of her kindness and such. I felt my stomach stir with restlessness. I felt like I was going to vomit with all the gilt I was feeling. Once she left in a huff, I ran to the bathroom to vomit. I gagged once, twice then vomited into the bowl. This time I was glad no one could hear me. The reason that I usually vomited was that France called ME fat, just like how England called America fat. Except, Alfred exercised it off, I didn't. France was still not content. It was clear that no one was happy with me, not even the man that I once called Papa. It was clear that I still wasn't good enough for the others. It was clear that I wasn't needed anymore. I needed to get rid of myself to make them happy one last time.

((Change of PoV: Koraq-Da))

I leaned over the bathroom sink as my soon to be Ex girlfriend and my sister helped me clean up. Yes, I was going to break up with Ameke. She didn't deserve someone like me. She needed Matthew, not me. I felt bad about her constantly worrying about me, about our fights and me accidentally cheating. I sighed and stood straight up. 

"Thank you, Yemo. Ameke, can I talk to you?" She nodded, probably feeling guilty about yelling at poor, sweet Matthew. I pulled her aside and said, "Look, I don't think this is working between us..." I was cut off by something loud. It almost sounded like the 'Fire and air' cannon Ameke and Gyang showed us once after the war. There was the rumble of footsteps that were running toward...

"Matthew!" Ameke screeched and ran out of the door toward hers and Matthew's dorm. Ameke and I ran most of the way to see an unconscious Matthew being carried out of his bathroom and being set on his bed. At this point, Ameke was sobbing about her friend and the pressure of our break-up.

Mommy, why do I feel sad?

Should I give him away or feel this bad?

"No, no, no, don't you choke"

Daddy chimed in, "go for the throat"

For the throat, for, for the throat

Daddy chimed in, "go for the throat"

For the throat, for, for the throat

Daddy chimed in, "go for the throat"

He seemed fine, other then the slit wounds on his wrists. What was the banging sound that we heard? Everyone seemed distressed surprisingly. No one even cared to pay attention to him. Was that why he attempted to kill himself? This is why we should listen to each other. To prevent this from happening again. Suddenly, we were whisked away, back to the meeting room. The book was open again. 

"S-so, who's going to read?" Yemo sniffled.

Ludwig raised his and walked to the book. 

"Many nations have tried to kill themselves, some more then others. They still do it, even though they know it won't work."

That sent us off again. It was a choir of different pitched sobs. Matthew's attempted killing had everyone harder then it should've.

For the throat, for, for the throat

Daddy chimed in, "go for the throat"

For the throat, for, for the throat

Daddy chimed in, "go for the throat"

(Class fight)

For the throat, for, for the throat

Daddy chimed in, "go for the throat"

For the throat, for, for the throat

Daddy chimed in, "go for the throat"




Class fight


R.I.P my sanity.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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