Untold wishes

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Have you ever searched for the stars,

Among the city lights from afar ?

Hang on in there guys,

I'm one of them from you apart.

Apart from the small twinkling lights,

(Which hardly appear to be seen)

We all have a ray of hope shining,

In that tiny little brain you see ;0

So anyways, coming back to the star,

Remember the wishing theory we heard of ?

Was it me or were you all a part of it,

Did you believe in it that time or do you believe in it still ?

Do you remember the eyelash wishes,

And the midnight Santa wish too ?

Did you believe in it that time,

Or do you believe in it yet too?

Where have all the wishes vanished,

Where did all the happiness go ?

Why did we want to grow up do fast,

Now why do we want to grow so slow ?

Don't you think we should balance it out a bit ?

Grow up a little,

And slow down a bit more ?

Be a little childish,

Grow a bit more mature,

Smile down the memory lane,

Wink towards the future alomg?

And love the present we have today,

With all our joys happily ever after.

Enjoy searching for the stars,

Which are said to fall from heaven above.

Who has seen hell and heaven,

Why not enjoy watching it from the terrace above ?

Above all the stars,

And meteors and rains,

Lie countless wishes untold,

Waiting to be fulfilled,

For you and me again..


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