Lisa frowned. "Why.." She wasn't sure what she was asking, but Nikki did.
"Because," Nikki shrugged. "I hate to admit it. And besides, I don't think I fully realised till yesterday, but I really like you.." She averted her eyes from Lisa's intense stare. "I like you. I hated to see you hurt yesterday believe it or not.. And I wanted you to be safe. When we were kissing I realised that none of that was what you needed, or wanted..." She frowned, mirroring Lisa's expression.

"I.." The girl started.

"You don't have to say anything. I don't expect you to. It's alright." Nikki interrupted. Lisa nodded at that, relieved. She honestly didn't know what to possibly say. Nikki did the right thing, but her liking of Lisa came as a huge shock to the girl who thought her actions were always purely driven by physical attraction.

"Thank you." Lisa put her hand on Nikki's shoulder awkwardly. The girl gave a half smile back.

"Enough with the sappy shit." Nikki straightened her posture.

"There is the Nikki I know," Lisa thought.

"I'll get over it..eventually." She said. "I hope everything is going to be alright between you and your girlfriend.." The girl's expression was filled with guilt. And Lisa noticed. Was there something she was not telling her? The red haired girl started to walk away.

"Alex," Lisa held her wrist. "Are you sure we didn't.."

"Oh Lauren, please." Nikki said with an amused smirk. "If we had sex, believe me you would remember." She winked then left the kitchen.
Lisa watched her go and laughed, shaking her head. It was a lot to take in all at once, but Lisa was coping. Her not having sex with Nikki was one less thing to worry about, but it didn't make the other things bearable.

Not too long after the falling out with Jennie's father, Lisa contacted her mother. She could have called, but she didn't dare. She sent a letter instead. So along with the heartache of the past day, Lisa was also anxious to hear back from her mother. It was all crumbling down and she didn't know why.
"Thank you for driving me, Nikks." Lisa said.

"Yeah, no problem. Here are your keys." Nikki handed Lisa the bundle of keys and Lisa exited the car smiling at Nikki once more before the older girl drove off.

Lisa sighed as she watched her go. She managed to find her car in the parking lot she parked it at the previous day and started it. She looked at her phone for the first time that day. There were a few missed calls and texts from her dad, obviously he was very worried about her whereabouts. That made Lisa smile. The parental figure that some teens wish would lessen, was exactly what she had been missing in her life. She sent her father a text back, reassuring him of her safety. Same with Jisoo.

As she drove off, she saw an incoming call. She picked it up without really looking and put it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Hey Lisa,"

She almost hit the break when she heard Jennie's voice booming through her car. She stayed quiet, debating what she had to do. "What does she have to say? Does she somehow know I saw her? Why is she calling now?"

"Are you there?" Jennie's voice was soft, unsure, fragile and unlike her normal bubbly and lively self.

"..uhm, yes." Lisa mentally scolded herself for answering. But it wasn't like she could just bail and hang up either.

" are you?" Jennie also sounded like she didn't know what to say.

"Then why the hell did she call," Lisa thought.

"Jennie." Lisa said sternly. She was not about to have an awkward formal conversation with her (maybe ex)girlfriend that may or may not love her, the same one who cheated on her and that she cheated on. The whole situation was already weird enough.

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