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She looked up at the sky and watched the lonely moon above. She had lost everything. What is life?

Why are we breathing?

Why are we alive?

Why does the sun give off warmth when we never appreciated it's worth until it rained?

Why do people want you after they lose you?

A tear escaped from her eyes while she smiled sadly. Despair. That's what she felt. She hated the feeling of being worthless but she became one because of love.

But is it really love?

What really is love? Why do we give love to people when they don't even dare to give it back?

Do you really know what true love is?

Is it worth it to gamble in this kind of thing when all it gives is pure pain?

Was it a mistake to fall in love?

No. It wasn't. Her mistake was she pushed everyone away who loved her just to have the love that she thought was hers. That belonged to her. But it wasn't. It had never been.

She closed her eyes and let herself drown into the endless deep ocean. She took the last step until the current swallowed her body. She reminisced about her past, she delved deeper and deeper while her tears mixed with the ocean.

She was ready to end it when she saw the shadow of a shining star beside the moon. And just like that a blurry voice and an image that she assumed that was part of her memory appeared in her mind.

'A woman's worth is more than a man could never work for. A woman is a powerful person who gives light. A woman has been given a womb and a man's part and yet she can give life. A woman has been given a house and yet she made it a home that is full of warmth. A woman is someone who was given a simple thing but can give back precious treasures. A woman has never been worthless. Always remember you are a woman. And you are worth it"

It was then, as if the coldness of the ocean disappeared and the warmth in her heart lingered as if telling her to fight.

'No! I'm not going to die! I'm a woman! And I'm not Worthless. I will never be.'

She strived hard to reach the surface as her determination to live gave her the strength to go on. As she finally felt the air on her bare skin, tears streamed down her pale cheeks as she cried hard for her dear life. Clutching her hand on her chest, sobbing so hard pouring every pain she kept.

Under the moon and the sky finally filled with shining stars, she smiled to herself and promised to get back the things that she lost. She has to get it back and show them her worth. Shoving the treasure that they threw.


It was supposed to be a beautiful day, but there are things that are meant to happen. Yana scrubbed the toilet hard till it was sparkling. It has been her cycle of work to clean every corner of their house, for she believed that a clean house is a good environment for a family.

She leaned at the side and watched her surroundings, if it was her from her previous self, she probably got scolded for moving a finger. Her life as an heiress has been majestic, she was not allowed to do things that could harm or dirty her. She was treated like a princess but life didn't warn her that she will be a servant when she marries.

Wiping her sweats while picking up the basin on her side, she smiled to herself for once again she made a good job on cleaning. She won't deny that she missed her life before. Slacking off, and just training and studying every day. Not minding the bills nor groceries and withering plants in the backyard.

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