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"So ... Rafa's been sleeping on the futon because the apartment's only a one-bed, one-bath situation – also, sorry you'll have to use our bathroom," Daveed laughed and was pleased to hear Arilyn offering up a chortle too. It didn't take much to see the smile wasn't all there, but any progress was a blessing, he thought. "Basically, uh, I guess I'll go to the store and get a blow-up mattress. You can take my bed while you're here. Plus, I need to get food, we been living off GrubHub."

   "D, I'm not gonna invade your apartment," Arilyn started, ignoring the dramatized roll of Daveed's eyes, "and then let you sleep on the floor."

   "Stop, it's happening, Ari. That is the plan for the night, we'll figure out the rest later."

   "How long are you expecting me to stay here?" She asked with a sigh, dropping her bag on the floor, and sitting on the futon-couch next to where Rafael had already settled.

   "I talked with the landlord, she said she's cool with you staying here until you can find a place. No need to worry about paying, she's not raising the rent or utilities." Daveed said, shoving his hands in his pockets, looking like the things he was saying were no big deal at all.

   "How much did you tell her about my situation?"

   "Nothing, Ari. You and I haven't even talked that out yet – and we will be talking about all of that tonight. But you know I wouldn't go just spilling that."

   "So, what? Out of the kindness of her heart, she's putting property damage at risk without expecting a cent out of me?" Arilyn asked

   "I may have ... bartered Hamilton tickets? Arilyn Blackwell, don't you give me that look, Lin will give me the okay for that," he told her with a pointed look to match the one she wore.

   "What is the situation anyway?" Rafael asked slowly. Arilyn sighed.

   "Dude, don't -"

   "It's fine Diggs," she cut him off and turned to face Rafa. "It's just ... some relationship stuff. My boyfriend and I are going through a rough patch," she turned to look at Daveed once more, "we'll figure it out and I'll be out of your guys' hair."

   "Ari -"

   "Can I take that nap now?"

   Daveed sighed and nodded, crossing his arms over his chest as he spoke, "Yeah. Of course, you can. Follow me."

   She did so silently, keeping an uncomfortable distance between them. Every fiber in her body seemed to be yelling at her to turn, go back home, and forget it all. Because when she did eventually face Gabe again ... well, the sooner the better. If he knew at that moment that she was considering spending the night at Daveed's – while Daveed had another guy already staying with him – he'd drive over, march in, and drag her out without an ounce of consideration for even her dignity.

   "Sleep well." Rafael's somewhat raspy voice met her ears, and even just admiring the tone made her stomach twist with guilt.

   "Thanks," she managed to utter, turning her head back to meet his smile, tears threatening her the whole while.

   Daveed took her down the hall and stopped at the farthest of the two doors on the right side. "That other door is the bathroom. This is the bedroom," He explained, opening his door, and ushering her in with a hand between her shoulder blades.

   She nodded, putting her backpack on the floor by his dresser. Then, she sat on the edge of the bed and started taking off her shoes. Daveed stayed, watching as she settled into the bed under his comforters. When she had, he walked to her side with a small, saddened smile sat on his lips.

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