Episode 24

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Arnav gets flashes of Shyam saying:

""""Shyam: Give me my child ASR! Give me it to me! You have my child ASR. You took her away!!! And now my child as well?? """"

Now he knew what he was doing. Why he was getting the dream. He held his collar and pulled him outside. Anjali was watching them and had tears in her eyes. She knew why Arnav is doing this. But she didn't know why is Arnav considering this so important that he barged in their house at this time. Shyam was appalled. He was sweating badly. He didn't' know why Arnav was doing such a thing. Arnav took the copy of birth certificate that he had with him. He was taking it everywhere as to find out who was Shyam's child. Arnav opened the birth certificate and Shyam kneeled down with a thud. 

Anjali was crying.

Arnav(gritting his teeth): What's this Shyam?? Say or you'll face the worst from me.

Shyam was silent. He tells him how Anjali found it and told him. Sheetal who was nowadays following Arnav because of the fact that she found, was present there. She was happily looking at the drama. It filled her thirst.

Suddenly she comes out of the bush out of nowhere. Everyone wondered why she was here.

Arnav: Sheetal you? When did you come here?

But their amazement were now concentrated on the birth certificate and Shyam's face.

Arnav: My worst conscience is telling me that the mother and son out here are Khushi and Arav.

Anjali was shocked by this. Now she knew why Arnav came here at this time. How could this happen? 

Shyam was about to speak but Sheetal didn't' allow him to speak.

Sheetal: I was the one who found this. Before I thought of telling this to ASR. But this guy stopped me.

Shyam: Sheetal you stay out of this.. Shall I tell my findings of yours to ASR?

He was about to speak when he was punched hard by Arnav. Sheetal smirked.

Arnav spat on him.

Arnav: Stop this drama Shyam!!! All your truth came out! Now you are the one who is gonna say about how this happened. I know you must have raped Khushi! This is how it must have happened.

Anjali had tears in her eyes. Sheetal felt like it was her best date.

Anjali(gritting her teeth):I know!! That's why you excused yourself today for Arav's birthday. You were not able to see Khushi with your eyes. You were not able to face her for your deeds! Don't tell me a no! We've got all proofs Shyam! Spit it out!

Sheetal: Shame on you! how could you rape a woman??

She slapped him. Shyam slapped her again.

Shyam: How dare you Sheetal!!!

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