Episode 25

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Shyam broke down now. Arnav was by now standing like a statue. He just woke him up. His inside was glad that it was not Khushi, to be honest. He was happy at a corner that it was his wife, Manini. Look how ASR is!

Sheetal: He is lying!

Arnav: No....... wait! so that file where I found the sonogram report in the shelf!!!!! I now get it! It was you! I was wondering how my wife got pregnant as I knew we never made love. It was clearly written Manini singh Raizadha's sonogram report and the CD probably your kid's sonogram. Then why did she suicide?? Surely you must be knowing the reason. As you have been neglecting the topic by now! Come on Shyam! spit it out!

Sheetal was appalled. Anjali was standing like a statue.

Shyam: It still kills me Arnav! I am the one responsible for her death.

Shyam broke.

Shyam: It was because one day I decided to stop this. I couldn't cheat you more. So I broke up with her and I was about to marry Rani Sahiba. She couldn't handle this as she knew that you won't accept her at any cost. She didn't get love from both sides. Neither from her husband, not from her lover.

Arnav was in tears now. He couldn't help it! At a point of time he repented for marrying her.

Shyam: ASR.... I'm sorry! But trust me till this date my love for Rani Sahiba is always remaining. But... but....

He broke in tears. Sheetal was about to go back home as she thought some other story line would be formulated.

Anjali: Then where is the kid now??? And why did you back off at Arav's birthday??? Isn't Arav your kid?

Arnav was panic-stricken by now. He was badly waiting for Shyam's answer as he knew that Arav wasn't adopted and Khushi was his mom. So the child must not be his. But still the gap between Anjali's question and Shyam's answer were like a day's pause.

Shyam: No.....he is not...

Arnav was relieved. Shyam sensed something, he saw Sheetal was moving.

Shyam: Not so fast Sheetal!

Sheetal cussed the time.

Anjali: There who and where is the kid and why did you back off? Is it...is it...is it alive?? I know you saw someone and backed off.

Shyam: The kid is safe and sound in Delhi.

Everyone was shocked by now...

Arnav (Couldn't wait more): Who is it then?

Shyam: That kid is none other than Mayuri, Arav's friend. I gave her to my friend, Jaydev whom I had asked to take care. I've been paying her fees and other things and I've been watching her silently from behind. I didn't have the guts to face her. I used to cry watching her when I know that her adopted mom who is my late friend's wife, is torturing her. I badly wanted to tell this to you RS. I didn't want to see my child like this....

Shyam broke..Anjali slapped him.

Anjali: How dare you ! How could you abandon a poor soul?

Shyam: I thought of telling you the truth, the right time RS. I couldn't face her in person as I may anytime go and hug her. So I backed off from Arav's birthday.

Arnav: So all these years...! I knew it Shyam! I was wondering why you were ignoring this case all these years. You had to come to India as you had no option! And you told that you were interested in starting this case just for name sake. But the reality was different! You were avoiding the reason to not come India and start this case because you never wanted the truth of Manini to come out. As the main reason behind this was you! By the way tell me why were you in Delhi a month back? You said some unfinished work. But I doubt so!

Shyam (sadly): I can't watch my daughter celebrating Father's day without a father. I just can't do that! I came here as I badly wanted to see my daughter after my friend died. My heart ached seeing her alone.

Arnav: So I felt someone on father's day, behind me hiding in Arav's school when I was talking to him, where I was his chief guest. I thought that those were some kids. So it was you! You had come there to meet Mayuri! Also I must say I felt like I saw you in that hall as I had once asked you.

Shyam: Yes I guess now that all my truth is out! Is there anything else you want me to say or shall we now shift the focus to Sheetal?

Everyone was wondering why he mentioned Sheetal's name. Arnav then shook off cuing nothing. 

Shyam: Ms.Sheetal! it's good that you came now. Just look! you are now going to fall on your own trap.

Sheetal looked dreadful. She was about to run but is caught by Arnav.

Arnav: Why are you running Sheetal? Shyam wants to say something.

Sheetal: He's lying.

Arnav (curiously): Well he never said anything.

Sheetal: OOPS!!!Argh!

Her face turned red. 


Arnav: This is not going good!

Shyam(smirking): Well Mrs. Sheetal why did you spike Arnav's drink on that day? 

Sheetal was shocked.

Sheetal: What are you saying?? I don't know anything.

Shyam: Do you remember one day you never remembered coming back from the hotel. AS you said that no matter how much ever you drank, you always knew your way back home. 

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