Welcome to Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

"I expect to hear great things from your professors at the board meeting. Perhaps I shall see you then?" Lucius's mouth curled into a smirk that Garron knew well, "Severus will be keeping me informed of your progress. Both in class and out." The last comment was directed toward the young Lord Black. Garron tensed at the idea of another set of eyes watching him. His plans were too intricate to be muddled by some moron. However, Severus Snape wasn't a fool. Perhaps Garron could even get him to assist in some aspects. He'd have to watch what he told the man though, and make sure not to make direct eye contact. He had heard Lucius and Severus discussing Legimency one night and had read the entirety of the Malfoy library on the subject. His own Occulemency was rather weak, but that would change soon. He was only eleven after all, he couldn't be invincible. Yet.

The train wailed and it was called out that all Hogwarts student must board within five minutes. Suddenly, the scurrying of children and parents increased ten-fold, all of them clawing at the small opening of the train doors. Garron sighed, Like rats in a cage.

"Go on then. I expect a letter tonight with your houses. I trust you'll both represent houses Malfoy and Black well." Lucius's crisp voice was enough to snap Garron out of his inner thoughts.

"Yes, father." Draco's voice was far softer than Garron's own. Of course he was going to represent well, who did Lucius think he was talking to? Garron was a Lord in his own right and he'd be damned if he weren't treated as such. Calm down, would you? We have far bigger things to fuss over. They made their way onto the train and were attempting to find a car when they were suddenly bumped into by a cloud of red hair.

"Oi! Watch where you're goin'!" The small, dirty, boy with copper hair shouted around the food in his mouth. Disgusting. Garron watched with intrigue as the boy's face morphed into a sneer so very much like his brother's it was astounding. "Malfoy." The boy said the name with the same contempt that Lucius usually reserved for two groups of people - Muggles, and Weasleys. That was it! The boy was a Weasley. Garron didn't understand when the feud between the two families began, but the one thing he did know was that the entire family was a bunch of blood traitors. Not only did they approve of muggles and muggleborns, (though Garron had never understood the hatred toward mudbloods. Magic was magic.) they assimilated to all of the muggle traditions. That was a point from them in Garron's book. The old ways paid homage to the Gods, they secured the family. Yule, Samhain, Beltane, and the other sabbats are vital to the health of the magical world. If a muggleborn could trade their muggle world for the magical one, there would be no issue. Our culture would remain unchanged, Lady Magic would remain healthy. They just have to choose. It's so simple. Why would anyone want to stay with those awful creatures?

Garron opened his mouth to speak, but Draco got to it first. "Oh look it's a Weasley. Pardon me for not recalling your first name, there are just, so many of you now. It's hard to keep up, truly." Draco's cool smile reminded Garron more of Narcissa than of Lucius. It was the same look she gave when she was tearing down a witch in public. Such a polite tone, such scathing words. The Weasley boy's face reddened to the same shade as his hair, lighting up in indignation.

"Oh you just watch it Malfoy! I'll hex you here and now!" The hallway they were standing in was empty now, everyone else having found a seat to relax in.

"You go right ahead Weaslebee. I'd be shocked if you could even perform a spell. I hear they're letting anyone into Hogwarts these days." That sneer was all Draco, not an ounce of Narcissa's cool rage resided. This was becoming rather childish, but Garron remained intrigued nonetheless. The boy looked like he barely had enough braincells rubbing together to speak let alone practice magic.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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