"Sheesh, since when did a jokester like you become a goody two shoe?" Remmy sneered.

"You are so annoying." Iris said getting a bit agitated.

"Thank you." Remmy smirked.

"It wasn't a compliment."

"Well, whatever. Now I want ice cream, an owl and butterbeer." He said loudly. He then added in a low voice.

"Don't worry Gred and Forge. I still want those puking pastilles."

"I heard that." Iris said.

"You're not even supernatural and that was barely audible. How did you hear that?" Remmy complained.

"I am your sister." Was Iris's reply.

"Oh, come on you sound like mum."  Suddenly an idea popped Remmy's head.

"Can I get a broom?"

"No, you're a first year."

"Harry got on the team in his first year."

"You and Harry are two very different people." Mrs. Weasley pointed out.

"Gryffindor is going to need all the help they could get this year. Especially with Harry, Fred and George getting kicked off the team this year." Remmy blurted out.

"Wait, what?"

"Hold on a second."

"Why do we get kicked off the team?"

"Oops." Remmy said.

"Oops!?! Is that all you have to say." Iris said angrily.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. He needs to learn to shut his mouth. But, what's this about us being kicked off the team?" Fred and George demanded.

"Uh, can't tell you. Remmy lets go get you some ice cream." Iris said quickly shoving her brother forward.

"That's not an answer." Fred and George yelled after her.

"Please." The twins pleaded following them.

"No." Iris said annoyed.

"Pretty please."

"Absolutely not."

They kept badgering her until she shoved ice cream in their mouths.

"Shut up." She said firmly. As they walked out of the store Remmy stopped in front of number ninety three Diagon Alley's empty store front.

"I can't wait for this place to open." He said winking at the twins. Iris looked at her brother confused, forgetting for a minute what was supposed to be there. The twins on the other hand gave him a look that read how did you know.

"What are you talking about? What's opening here?" Ron asked curiously.

"Uh, nothing. Now let's go get him an owl." Fred and George said quickly shoving their brother forward.

An owl and six butter beers later they finally made it back to Grimmauld Place.

"Fredrick Gideon Weasley, George Fabian Weasley, how dare you two sneak  him fire whiskey. That was very irresponsible of you." Mrs. Weasley said angrily.

"Don't worry Mrs. Weasley I can't get drunk. Pro of being a werewolf." Remmy said.

"And the cons." He muttered under his breath.

"Doesn't matter. You don't give an eleven year old fire whiskey. I don't care if you're Merlin himself." Mrs. Weasley yelled. Just then they heard a crash behind them. They all turned around to see a young woman with bubble gum pink hair trying to fix the umbrella stand that she had just knocked over.

"Sorry 'bout that. I tend to be a bit clumsy." She apologized.

"Tonks." Remmy exclaimed. She gave him a look.

"Do I know you?" She asked.

"Oh where are my manners? I am the one and only Sirius Remus Potter at your service." Remmy said, taking a bow.

"It's Evans you idiot." Iris said annoyed.

"You mean you're related to Harry." The woman said, confused.

"That's right Nymphadora. Ten points to Hufflepuff."

"Don't call me Nymphadora." She said angrily causing her hair to turn red.

"Oops. Sorry, I forgot about that." Remmy apologized.

"Anyways, I need to go. Harry's in trouble." Tonks said heading towards the door.

"Ooo, he casted a patronus to save that blimp." Remmy said. Tonks pulled out her wand, spun around and aimed it at him.

"I'm only going to ask you this once. How do you know about that?" She demanded. Remmy swallowed hard.

"Well, you see.... I, Uh... I just know things." He blurted out.

"Really.  That's the answer you're going to go with?" Tonks said.

"What do you want me to say? That my sister and I are from the future and that you're all characters from a book that my sister is obsessed with?" Remmy snapped. Tonks stared at him surprised. She then lowered her wand.

"Tonks we need to get going." Moody said coming into the room. After the two aurors left Iris turned to her brother very annoyed.

"Don't you know when to shut up?" She demanded.

"You really are obsessed with those books and-"

"What if a death eater over heard what you said in Diagon Alley? Do you think for a second they wouldn't try to capture you and torture you for information?" Iris scolded him. Remmy looked down at his shoes.

"I-I wasn't thinking." He stammered. Iris let out a sigh.

"Look, I just want you to be safe." She said softly, bringing her little brother into a hug.

"Can't. Breathe." He wheezed. Remmy squirmed out of his sister's hold.

"Gosh, you are strong. Are you sure you're not supernatural?" He inquired after finally breaking free after five minutes.

"Don't be ridiculous." Iris said. They were interrupted by a crash.

"Hiya Tonks." Remmy said without turning around.

"How'd you know it was me?" Tonks inquiried.

"I just do." Remmy replied. After Sirius and Harry were all caught up Remmy stepped forward.

"Well, aren't you going to introduce me dear uncle Siri." Remmy said, pretending to be offended.

"Uncle?" Sirius said.

"Yes. We called our mum's best friend uncle Charlie so, why not call my dad's best friend uncle too."

"Hold up. Who's he?" Harry asked, turning to his sister.

"You must be Harry. I've heard so much about you." Remmy answered.

"That still doesn't explain who you are."

"Oh, right. I'm Sirius Remus Evans or is it Potter. I'm your brother."

Out Of Time (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now