Chapter Fifty Eight

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May 2, 1998

Percy Weasley had been dreadfully waiting for this day for about a year and half now. He remembered when he walked into the Burrow with Rufus Scrimgeour on Christmas the year before. Everyone hated him and he didn't blame them. Percy had no idea what possessed him to go up to his childhood bedroom that night. The door to the twins' room opened and as usual the place was a mess which didn't surprise Percy at all. As he turned to close the door he noticed a book lying on Fred's bed. He wished he had never picked it up. Thinking of the  title still sent chills down his spine. Especially when he opened the book and found out what was supposed to happen for the next twenty years . Percy was holding Remmy's copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. He had transfigured the cover so no one would know what he was reading and snuck the book out of the Burrow.

On May first, the day before hell was to break loose, Percy snuck back  into the Burrow and put the book back along with two envelopes. One was addressed to Fred and the other to his mum. He knew what he had to do. Percy knew his plan was insane, but he felt like he needed to. After all, who would really miss him? They all hated him.

An hour before he headed out of his apartment that he shared with his fiancée Audrey to join the battle of Hogwarts Percy gave her one last kiss and told her that he loved her. Percy then took a deep breath, stepped outside and apprated one last time. When he finally got to Hogwarts he could see the shocked looks on everyone's faces. He felt like he was having an out of body experience when told them the line  that would appareread in the book. Mrs. Weasley was on the verge of tears as she hugged her son not knowing that this would be the last time she would see him alive.

"I love you mum." Percy said before he followed Fred to wherever the order needed him. He was going to stick by Fred's side like a permanent sticky charm. He had to protect his younger brother, he had to do the one job he failed to do for the past twenty two years of his life. And if he died in the process who would really miss him? After all they all hated him. He was always going to be the pompous prat, ministry loving fool in the eyes of his family.

Whenever the battle would begin Percy was prepared to fight besided  his brother, aiding him in any way he could. Fred noticed that Percy was acting strange. This was so unlike his big brother who had always been a goody two shoe for as long as he could remember.

"Percy, is there something wrong?" Fred asked.

"I'm fine, Freddie. Never been better." Percy lied. In reality everything was not fine. He knew one of them was to make it out of this battle alive and it was going to be Fred, Percy was going to make sure of it. George was not about to lose his other half. No one was going to miss him. They all hated him. Fred stared at his older brother in surprise. Percy never called him Freddie before. The Death Eaters had penetrated through  Hogwarts' protective barrier and it was almost a matter of time before they made it their way. The clock was ticking. Percy felt his heart begin to pick up speed as he and Fred began to take on the masked and hooded men. Harry, Ron and Hermione ran forward to help. Spells flew past him and Percy felt like time was moving in slow motion. He knew who he was dueling, he knew it was almost a matter of time. As the hood of the current minister of magic,Pius Thicknesse slipped off Percy took a deep breath.

"This is it." He thought.

"I love you mum." He muttered. Percy turned his attention back onto Thicknesse.

"Hello, minister!"Percy bellowed as he deflected another jinx. He fired back a neat jinx causing Thicknesse to drop his wand.

"Did I mention I'm resigning?"

"You're joking, Perce!" Fred exclaimed as the Death Eaters he was battling collapsed under the spells sent their way. Thicknesse fell to the ground and Percy knew what was coming.

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