3 - Diagon Alley pt2

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*Olivers POV*
I was just admiring the new broomsticks in Quality Quidditch Supplies, when I noticed a beautiful girl had joined me looking at the new brooms. I looked over and caught myself staring. 'God she is beautiful' I thought as I then realised it was my best friend and the Gryffindor seeker, Y/N Black. I was shocked at how beautiful she had gotten over the summer, I mean she was always beautiful but I had never really payed much attention to how beautiful she actually is until now. I was taking in all her features until she turned to catch me staring, I felt heat rush to my cheeks but tried my best to hide it.

"Oh my god, Oliver! Hey, how was your summer?" She asked, pulling me in for a hug. 'She definitely caught me staring' I thought to myself.
"Hi Y/N, yeah good thanks, you?" I replied, finding it harder by the second to hide my blush.
"It was amazing! I spent the whole summer practicing quidditch." She answered, her eyes lighting up at just the mention of quidditch. We had always been known as the two quidditch obsessed best friends at school.

"Good to hear, did you manage to learn any new tricks?" I questioned.
"A few, maybe I can show you at school." She asked, sheepishly. Was she nervous too?
"I would like that, when shall..." I was cut off by a man who looked extremely tired. I knew it wasn't her dad, as he passed away when she was young, so I can only presume it is Remus. I know a lot about Remus but haven't actually met him before.

"Y/N, is it alright that we go now, I am very tired and need to rest." Remus said, quietly.
"Yes of course. Oh Oliver, this is Remus, my godfather. Remus, this is Oliver, one of my best friends. I just realised you two have never met." She said, introducing me to Remus and Remus to me.
"Lovely to meet you Oliver. I have heard great things about you." Remus said, shaking my hand.
"Great to meet you too Remus." I replied, a smile creeping to my cheeks after hearing Y/N has talked to Remus about me.

"I'm sorry to be leaving so soon but its nearing that time of the month for Remus and he is exhausted so we need to get going, but I will see you at Hogwarts soon." She said, slowly backing away from me.
"Yeah, see you then." I replied, disappointment in my voice. Was I really falling for my best friend? 'There is no way she likes me back. She is my best friend and nothing more.' I thought, bringing a saddened look to my face.

*Readers POV*
"Remus do you mind if we quickly get Thunder some more food?" I asked.
"No of course not, just be quick. I want my bed." Remus replied, which made me chuckle. I ran over to Eyelop's Owl Emporium and bought a big bag of food for my owl, Thunder.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We finally arrived back at home after an unnecessarily long and exhausting day of school supply shopping. I quickly ate my dinner, trudged upstairs and finally reached my room. I changed into my pyjamas (in picture below) and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

A/N: Just wanted to let you know that only Remus, Tonks, Mrs Weasley and Mr Weasley know about your dad

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A/N: Just wanted to let you know that only Remus, Tonks, Mrs Weasley and Mr Weasley know about your dad. All your friends and teammates think he passed away when you were young, along with your mum who actually passed away when you were young

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