Chapter 13: Disintegration

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Then... how can I save her?

Naga: I am able to reveal a bit about that. To free Lucina from the chains Hel has placed on her, she must remember who she truly is. You must make her cry tears of joy, regret and guilt all at once.

Y/N: Wh-What? What kind of help is that?

Naga: That is all I am allowed to say. You must discover its meaning on your own. Now, I believe I have overstayed my welcome. Until next time, Y/N L/N...

Y/N: Don't go! N-Not yet!

But I could already feel her presence slipping away. I sank to my knees. I had nothing but a cryptic, almost nonsensical riddle to guide my way. Perfect.

I resisted the urge to scream into the wind. All these pent up frustrations... It was too much!

Why choose her? Why choose the person I gave my heart to, why choose the person who loved me so?

I swore to protect her, to keep her safe and love her to the end of my days. But this entire situation... had I failed her?

I wouldn't fail her again. I couldn't even process the feelings that would run through my veins if that happened.

Walking back through the forest felt like a blur and an eternity at the same time. Make her cry tears of joy, regret and guilt... remember who she truly is...

How could I make her remember who she truly was? Of course she knew who she was. She was still Lucina, after all, trapped inside her own mind and body.

Any person with an ounce of common sense could see that it meant nothing. But I guess that was the point. I had to look at it with new eyes, see things where one may find nothing.

I just hoped that whatever interpretation I came up with would be the right one, and not some imaginary thing I came up with in the hope that Naga's words were actually true. 

Naga was on my side, surely her guidance would be enough to rescue Lucina with ease, right?

But... I had the sinking feeling that no, this was only the beginning of a long, agonizing struggle between life and death.

--Lucina POV--
Thank the gods... morning... a time where Y/N could escape his personal hell and be free.

Gigantic eyebags lay under my eyes, combined with my messy hair. I learned that I couldn't sleep here inside my mind, but for some reason I still felt exhausted. It was Hel trying to break me once more...

I summoned up all the willpower inside of me. I had to act fast before I was too tired to oppose her.

Focus on breaking your other hand free... only on that... nothing else...

Whimpers and groans filled the room as it grew harder and harder for me to continue by mental onslaught on the ropes that bound me. 

Why did the rope feel like it was burning up? I'm sure it wasn't like this last time... 

The pain grew worse and worse, but I pressed on. Closer and closer... 

And.... there! I clutched my newly freed wrist in pain. A red burn mark surrounded it, from the rough and merciless texture of the rope. 

Progress, progress. But it still wasn't enough. I had to work faster, before it was too late.

If I didn't get out in time... Y/N might break from Hel's torture. Or I would grow too exhausted to fight her, and let her influence wash over me... Relaxed mindlessness... No! I couldn't even think of doing that!

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