Chapter 2

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Third POV

Kotori had told y/n to go to a warehouse so he could clam down tohka but the thing was y/n had no idea how to clam down a girl he only knew fight one.

Y/n: * opens the door* "hello? Oh hey guys"

Tohka, a girl with blue hair with a white rabbit, and shido all looked at him.

Shido: "y/n what are you doing"

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Shido: "y/n what are you doing"

Y/n: "look I'll explain later right now we need to get tohka and that little girl out of here be-"

Y/n was caught of by being blasted into the other side of the building.

The blue haired girl: " mister!"

Origami then blast a hole through the building then looks down at the three.

Origami: " blue rodent has been neutralized"

???: "blue rodent? I've been called the monkey king, stone monkey, and jecheondaeseong but never blue rodent"

Y/n then breaks out of the rumble with yeoui.

Y/n: "you guys get out of here I'll deal with these guys"

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Y/n: "you guys get out of here I'll deal with these guys"

Shido thought: is he a spirit or something else entirely?

Shido: "right come on let's go yoshino, tohka"

Tohka: "no way are we taking her or are you saying is she more important then me?"

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