1 - Exciting Times

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*Reader POV*
I woke from a dreamless sleep. It was 6:30am, which is very early considering I slept in every day in my summer break. Both Remus and Tonks were still sound asleep, so I tiptoed out of my room and down to the kitchen, remembering to not step on the creaky floor boards which I have memorised.

I wondered into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee to wake me up, not that I need waking up as my excitement already resolved that problem. Today was the day I have been waiting for all summer, the day we go to Diagon Alley. I received my letter from Hogwarts a few days ago, which just built up more excitement.

I made my coffee, sat down on the sofa and picked up my favourite book. I hadn't been reading for long before Remus came trudging down the stairs.
"Morning sleepyhead!" I said, in a sing song voice.
"Morning." Remus replied, clearly already annoyed, which I must admit made me smile to myself. I know it may seem mean that I find it fun when I annoy people, but I am best friends with the Weasley twins for merlins sake.

"How did you sleep?" I asked, knowing the answer already.
"Not great, you know how it is around this time of the month." He answered, groggily.
"Yeah I know. If you are that tired you could always stay here and me and Tonks could go to Diagon Alley." I said, now feeling sorry for him because I know how hard it is for him.
"I appreciate the thought but I can't miss going to Diagon Alley with you. Me, Tonks and you go every year together and I am not going to skip a trip." He replied, as enthusiastically as he could.
"As long as you are sure, then thats fine with me."
As I said this we heard Tonks skipping down the stairs, very excited.

"Oh my god Y/N, I can't believe you are in your 5th year already! It feels like only yesterday we were going to Diagon Alley for the first time!" She exclaimed.
"I can't either but I am so excited to get back to Diagon Alley. Speaking of which, we must get going soon so lets eat some breakfast and get going." I said, now very hungry.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After breakfast I ran upstairs and started getting ready. 'I can't wait to go back to Diagon Alley.' I thought to myself. After my shower, I brushed my hair as well as my teeth and applied some light makeup. I then got dressed (outfit in pictures below) and we headed off to Diagon Alley.

 I then got dressed (outfit in pictures below) and we headed off to Diagon Alley

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A/N: Sorry its a short one, there will be longer ones, I promise

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A/N: Sorry its a short one, there will be longer ones, I promise

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