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I walk into Adora's room, which looks exactly like mine. Single cot in the middle of the room on top of a small bed.

Adora bumps nudges me with her shoulder. "Come on!" She runs and hops on top of the bed.

I blush slightly and clear my throat. "I'll go get my, uh, pillow and blanket." I start to walk out, but Adora intervenes.

"What? Pillow and blanket? But I already have a pillow and blanket--"

I turn and smile at her, hiding my sadness. "Well duh, I'm not going to sleep on the floor with no comfort."

I'm about to walk out again, but-- "Catra."

When I look back at her again, she stares at me. "Don't be an idiot." She pats the spot next to her and looks away nervously. "There's plenty of room up here." She looks back at me without moving her head.

After a few seconds, I walk over and sit on the cot. We both lay down sideways and face each other.

Minutes pass, and I smile softly after a while. "Did you say 'don't be an idiot' to me?"

She flushes. "Um-- Yeah, I did, but in a nice way! I didn't mean--"

I put my finger over her lips, and she blinks. "That's my line."

Adora smiles. "Yeah. It is."

I chuckle quietly. "You're such an idiot."

"I know I am."

Many more seconds pass by, and the awkward silence intensifies.

Until Adora reaches her hand up to my cheek. "I like your hair, by the way."

I smile. "Thanks. It came free with the brainwashing."

We both laugh at my stupid joke. Our laughter dies down, and she cuddles closer to me, and we wrap our arms around each other. Our foreheads rest on each other.

Then, after a while, I notice that I feel something on her back. I gasp softly.

Her scars. The scars that I gave her. Scratches from when I tried to take Bright Moon, and the scratches I gave her when I was under the control of Horde Prime.

"Adora..." She looks into my eyes, and tears well up in my eyes. "I can't. I'm sorry."

Adora chuckles nervously. "What do you mean, 'I can't'? Can't what?"

"I can't do this. I can't..." I separate myself from her and sit up. "I can't be with you."

She bolts up. "What?! Why?!"

"Because you may have forgiven me for what I did..." I sniffle and wipe my nose. "But I still haven't forgiven myself. I can't in good conscience be with you when I haven't repaid for what I've done."

Adora grabs my hand. "Catra, you've already repaid! You helped us--"

"No. I'm sorry, but I have to become better." I get up and start walking out, and the automatic door opens.

There's a pull on my tail and I yelp. When I look back, I see Adora grabbing my tail. "No."

The firmness of her voice shocks me.

"If you leave now, you will regret it forever. You'll have too many sleepless nights to count, staying up, thinking about what you should have done!" Tears roll down her face. "Believe me! I know!"

I tilt my head to the side, crying. "Adora--!"

She gets out of the bed and takes both of my hands into her own. "I shouldn't have felt regret for leaving you because it was the right thing to do, but I did!" She straightens herself and walks around me to the door, standing in front of it like a guard with her arms crossed. "So, no. I'm not letting you make the same mistake."

"Adora, I--"

Adora grabs me by the shirt and pulls me into a kiss.

After a second or two, we both relax, and I kiss her back.

When she pulls away, her eyebrows are furrowed worriedly. "Please stay with me, Catra."

I smile. "Fine. If you insist."

I wake up the next morning, with Adora spooning me, her arms wrapped around my body.

When I look back at Adora's face, I can't help but purr. I forgot how cute she looks when she's asleep.

My purring must have woken her up, because her eyes flutter open and she blinks sleepily. She says in a slightly mocking voice, "Hey, Catra."

I squint at her playfully. "Hey! That's my line!"

Adora smirks at me. "Not anymore. I stole it."

"Well then, let me steal it back from you." I rotate so that my body is facing hers and prop my head up on my elbow. "Hey, Adora." My sentence is drawn out, and she blushes.

"F-Fine, you win! You can have your line back." She turns around and pretends to give me the cold shoulder, though I can tell she's smiling.

I laugh and grab her from behind and lift her off of the bed. She yelps and we both laugh.

Adora ends up being too heavy, and she drops on top of me softly. We both continue to laugh, and I keep my arms wrapped around her midsection.

Our laughs die away, but before I can tease her for being too heavy, the door opens.

Adora and I both sit up, though she sits on my lap. We both see Glimmer standing there in her space suit, who looks a little shocked to see us cuddling in bed together.

She blinks. "Oh, um, we reached Krytis a few hours ago. Better suit up, Adora." Glimmer looks at me too, though I'm pretty sure I detect reluctance. "You too, Catra."


Hello, everybody! So, how do you like the series so far? Please, list your opinion in the comments below!

Again, stay inside, stay safe, wear a mask!

I bet that's gonna be my motto for now on, LOL!

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