Voice's in One's Head

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"Slut. Chatterbox. Awkward mess. It's no surprise no one wants to date you! What you said was stupid. They probably hate you. How are you even a police officer?! Why didn't you stick to being a flight attendant?! Why don't you put more effort into what you wear. Why did I say that? You think you're funny but you're just sad. Awkward mess. Chatterbox. Weirdo. Slut."
Times like these when her chest ached, and the voices just wouldn't leave her brain Kim couldn't help but wonder what everyone really thought of her, and how much of a burden she was.

Hey guys!

I know its been a while since I posted. I have honestly been quite overwhelmed and have been dealing with a lot emotionally. A lot has been going on in my life and its caused me to experience quite a substantial amount of anxiety and a few anxiety attacks for the first time. I have been working on giving myself more time and taking away pressures. Writing had always been a huge way for me to get things off my chest so while I might not be posting regularly now I am hoping I will start to dedicate more time to it and can begin to update more regularly.

Hope you enjoy the One-Shot and as always I am more than open to feedback.

Love you all and stays safe and calm,


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