Of Monsters and Men

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Jay held his cup of steaming coffee as he rushed up the stairs towards the bullpen. He wasn't usually late, but for some reason his alarm hadn't rung this morning, and he was now standing under Trudy Platt's unwavering glare.

"Uh... Hey Sarge." Jay awkwardly waved balancing the cup in one hand and his phone in the other.

"You're late chuckles. Everyone is already upstairs." Jay took that as a sign to leave and quickly raced up the steps. When he finally entered the Bullpen he could see there was already information on the board, only Adam was covering most of his view.

"Nice of you to join us Halstead." Voight drawled, raising an eyebrow. Jay felt himself blush slightly at his teammates smirks,

"Sorry Sarge." Hailey, who must have taken pity on him, began to update the team,

"This is William Jacobs. Junior in High School, from Canaryville. His body was found dumped by the river this morning. Cause of death was blunt force trauma, probably with a bat." Jay stared at the yearbook picture of the teenage boy, tuning out slightly from what Hailey was saying. He was white and had brown hair, his skin was littered with freckles, and his honey colored eyes made you want to lose yourself in a trance.

"Wait so why are we taking this case? No offense but we don't usually go after regular homicides." Adam asked, and while it sounded kinda douchey he had a point. There was a reason they were an elite task force.

"Because of this," Kim's face was grim as she stuck another picture onto the board, "This is Leo Thompson. Found three days ago. Age 20, also from Canaryville. Cause of death is the same as Jacobs, blunt force trauma." Jay had to blink twice as he stared at the image, the 28 year old was once again white, and had freckles and brunette hair. His eyes however were a striking green.

"Do we have any leads?" Atwater asked

"No, homicide couldn't find anything in their lives that suggested a beef with him. He'd just recently gotten married, and had a kid on the way. There was no indication of any affairs, or financial discrepancies." Kim said shaking her head,

"So basically homicide had nothing." Adam sighed,

"Then we start at the beginning. Atwater, and Rojas I want you to go back to both crime scenes. Look for cameras, possible witnesses, etc." The partners nodded and rushed out of the bullpen, "Upton and Halstead I need you to find a possible link between our two victims. I want to know why he chose them. Ruzek and Burgess I want you to look into Thompson's past, maybe something came to bite him in the ass."

The Sergeant watched as the last of his detectives left before he grabbed the keys to his truck. He had the family of a dead 17-year-old to talk to.

—— —

The house was small, painted white with a blue door, and even from his car he could hear the wails of a woman inside. Hank took a deep breath and knocked on the flimsy door.

"Mrs. Jacobs? I'm Sergeant Hank Voight, I need you to open the door" It took a few minutes but finally a pale middle-aged woman opened up the door, "Mrs. Jacobs?" He asked

"That's me." She sighed deeply and there was a quiver to her voice as she asked, "What can I help you with Sergeant?"

"I need to ask you a few more questions regarding your son." The woman nodded her eyes vacant from grief, and Hank stepped inside. It took about half an hour for him to be satisfied with the questioning, and all he got out of it was that William was a normal high schooler. He went to school, played video games, part of the basketball team. Hell, he even tutored in his free time!

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