Of Benches and Letters

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Adam will admit that when him and Kim cut off the engagement he wasn't in the best of places. At least not emotionally. He was, honestly, heart broken. Thus he did what any heartbroken man does, he threw himself into his work, and into his nightlife. In short, while Adam had never been a stranger to one night stands he will admit that during those months he went a little overboard. Not that he ever stopped being careful, but well a man had to lick his wounds.

"I can't believe we lost the suspect! How the hell did he get away?!" Adam groan loudly as he slowly walked up the steps into the district. They'd been trying to pin the leader of a local gang for a few weeks now, and had managed to pull together enough evidence for an arrest to stick. The only problem was they hadn't been able to catch him yet.

"Well he did have a getaway car prepped for when we came..." Jay mumbled only to be shut up by Hailey's glare. Reaching the entrance Adam slowly walked into the District, and made his way for the bullpen,

"Ruzek!" Sargent Platt's voice cut through Adam's moping like a knife cuts through sand, so... really fast, "Please do tell your lady friends to not drop by the department to give you love letters. This is a Police Station not a bachelor pad." Adam went red as the rest of intelligence chuckled, and Kev gave him a pat on the back. He did have a certain curiosity though, he hadn't slept with anyone other than Hailey for more than a year, and honestly he had no clue who it could be. Based on Hailey's glare though he should probably figure it out... and soon.

As Adam reached his desk he pulled out the letter, ripping it open. It read;

Dear Adam,
We need to talk about something important. I have something that belong to you. Meet me in Lincoln Park at the bench besides the statue of the dog. I'll be there at 20:30.
- Liz

Liz? Who the hell was Liz? Did he know a Liz? Adam didn't think he even knew and Elizabeth. Maybe she knew something about the case they were working on? Or she'd moved into his old flat and he'd forgotten something? It was a weird way to reach out but this was Chicago... Adam's musings were put to a stop as the suspect's sister's phone pinged. The suspect was on the move.

All in all, it wasn't the most silent arrest they'd done, but they'd also had some that were much worse. Adam had a few bruises from knocking down a few doors, and a scratch for jumping a fence, so really nothing too bad. He'd thankfully finished his paperwork by eight, and had enough time to not be late to his meeting. A meeting that he hadn't been able to get out of his mind all day. They'd caught the suspect, so there was a possibility that the lady wouldn't show, but for some reason Adam didn't think she wanted to see him because of the case. Afterall they'd wrapped it up and no Liz had shown up anywhere.

It's already dark when he gets to Lincoln park, and Adam starts to consider upgrading his jacket to a coat tomorrow, after all winter is coming. It takes him five minutes to find the bench the lady had told him about, and is a bit pissed when he sees there is no one there. He checks his watch, 20:40. Deciding to give her a few minutes Adam walks all the way to the bench. The closer he gets he starts to notice that there is something on the bench. Something pretty large. Suddenly feeling uneasy Adam reaches for his gun slowly pulling it out. However, just as he's raising it the wail of a child cuts through the silence of the night.

Adam rushes forward and stares, transfixed, and the small human wails up at him. It's a baby girl, wrapped in blanket, a coat, gloves and a hat. He can see some tufts of soft blonde hair popping out from underneath the hat. The baby's cheeks and note are rosey, and she has a few teeth that Adam can see growing from her now wailing, small mouth. Adam is so transfixed with the child infront of him that he takes no notice of the woman quietly watching from behind a tree. It is only when he notices the envolope that is tucked between the blankets that he snapps out of his trance.

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