That's why he like being angry, it was better than feeling empty all the time; it was the first emotion he felt.

RED hummed again, he laid his head sideways on his knees, before looking up at the wall of your bedroom. Pictures and posters tacked all over , covered your wall, in what he guessed was your favorite color. RED guessed a few of the posters for Pokémon, he grumbled at the new games. The style had changed, now looking vastly different from his game. There were other posters, including one for that 'squid' game, BEN mentioned. RED was confused by it, honestly.

You were weird.

"Players are weird," RED said, to an empty room.


You padded your way into the living room, falling backwards into the couch. Your breathing was all over the place.

What, with great emphasis, the fuck, just happened.

The guy, 'Red' as he called himself you remembered, got pissed, like a kid in CoD mad. Up to and including the cutting out, verbally and physically. To the point of physically hurting himself with some type of panic attack and you needed to calm him down.

All because you and your mouth.

He was friends, albeit a crappy friend, with the no-name kid, you named Gold. Maybe, 'Gold' told him that you called him that, maybe 'Red' is a big fan of Pokémon Red, Blue, and (possibly) Green.

Maybe he also had no name.

You grumbled at the thought, who doesn't name their kids? You're pretty sure, even orphanages name the kids that are dropped off on doorsteps are named, too.

Maybe the boys forgot their real names... because of trauma?

You scratched your head at the thought. It could be possible, people forget traumatic experiences; it's a survival technique. You shuddered at the thought, what could be so traumatizing, that the boys forgot their names-

Your stomach growled in response. You fell back onto the sofa. You grabbed a pillow and smacked yourself. You forgot that you needed to make dinner.

You got up and walked into the kitchen. Your hands opened the cupboards. Eyes scanned the various ingredients, almost beckoning the approval of stimulus for the desire for food. You groaned as you sifted through the various contents stacked inside the cupboard.

You were about to give up, when your eyes landed upon a loaf of brioche with chocolate chips in it. The smile, that creeped upon your face, bordered on criminal.


RED was awoken upon a sensation. No normal sensation, he was aware of. It came from his nose.

'It's called sense of smell,' BEN said rolling his eyes, RED recalled.

RED remembered the first thing he had smelled, it was horrible experience. The Mansion, usually clean with a stark medical smell. BEN often described it as smelling like a hospital but looking like an abandoned house. RED never understood why BEN shuddered at the mention of 'hospital.' Very confusing.

Anyway, the apparent horrible smell, in question, was a rotting dead body somebody left in a closet and promptly forgot. BEN explained that whenever there is a newcomer, the denizens start a phase of something called 'hazing.' Where they push around the newcomer, harassing or scaring them. The dead body in the closet was for him to discover. Sadly, he smelled it, before he saw it. It was still horrifying, but that was only the beginning--

RED shook his head. This smell wasn't horrible, it didn't causing him to wrinkle his nose in disgust. It did not make him want to wretch the stomach he did not have.

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